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Wrath Era

Pages: 1 2 3


  1. Pre-Cata ICC! (17 Replies)
  2. Uld achivement (mount) runs. (43 Replies)
  3. Who still needs Kingslayer? (11 Replies)
  4. The Sbin/Kosath 10 man (31 Replies)
  5. Anca needs advice! (7 Replies)
  6. Retro Raiding for the Achievement (3 Replies)
  7. ToC (7 Replies)
  8. 25-man on Temporary Hiatus (2 Replies)
  9. ICC 25-man Expectations and Discussion (35 Replies)
  10. Tuesday June 9 25-man (2 Replies)
  11. Future of the 25-man (6 Replies)
  12. Primordial Saronite and Trophy Loot Rules (14 Replies)
  13. Who is not committed to an ICC 10-man? (4 Replies)
  14. Changes to the 25-man Schedule starting 4/11/2010 (2 Replies)
  15. This week's flask situation (2 Replies)
  16. ICC Strategy, Tactics, and Observations (18 Replies)
  17. Open Spots in 25-man for Friday Nights (2 Replies)
  18. ICC 25-man Invite Priorities and Scheduling (13 Replies)
  19. Tanks Needed Friday March 5 (5 Replies)
  20. Outstanding work by the 25-man (3 Replies)
  21. Raid Tues. 2/9 (7 Replies)
  22. Citadel Weekly Quests *Spoiler Potential* (1 Reply)
  23. Thank you to raid leaders! (6 Replies)
  24. Raid Availability & Raid Schedule (6 Replies)
  25. Trophy Loot Rules (7 Replies)
  26. Attempting to take the reigns (15 Replies)
  27. Deathbringer Saurfang Tips (10 Replies)
  28. **Warning ** Keepin it Real (3 Replies)
  29. ToC/Ony - 25 Man (1 Reply)
  30. New Raids (6 Replies)
  31. Badges for Crusader Orbs (1 Reply)
  32. Another raid? (17 Replies)
  33. Old School Raids - Interest? (3 Replies)
  34. Icecrown Plans (6 Replies)
  35. Potentially late (3 Replies)
  36. Yogg Strategy (2 Replies)
  37. IST Roll addon (3 Replies)
  38. Saturday Night Ulduar (1 Reply)
  39. Checking Interest in Alt-Raid (12 Replies)
  40. Current Raid Schedule (2 Replies)
  41. Flipping the raid this week (3 Replies)
  42. Tank/DPS (1 Reply)
  43. The Flask Exchange (3 Replies)
  44. Focus macros for champions fight (1 Reply)
  45. Raid Friday 8/28 (1 Reply)
  46. Loot off Ulduar Bosses Ignis, Razorscale, Iron Council (11 Replies)
  47. Trial of the Crusader (1 Reply)
  48. Name-change - this is Diek (1 Reply)
  49. Call of the Crusade (5 Replies)
  50. Healers for Friday July 31 (2 Replies)
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