Iron Maidens nutshell guide
The Iron Maidens is the last boss in the Iron Assembly wing.  It’s a council-style fight that requires coordination from the raid.  Throughout the fight, some raid members will have to travel to a different fighting area to perform specific tasks.


This is a complex council-style fight.  We’ll face three bosses which do NOT share health, each with their own unique abilities.  They are Admiral Bar’an, Enforcer Sorka, and Marak the Blooded.  We’ll have to engage all three of them when we start the fight.

The fight takes place on a platform, but at certain fixed intervals, the lowest-health boss will leap to a nearby ship where it will spawn certain adds.  Certain raid members will have to travel over to that ship to defeat the adds in a certain amount of time, otherwise we will wipe.

The three bosses also have an Iron Fury resources that starts out empty and slowly increases over time, independently of anything the raid does, granting the bosses a new ability at 30 Iron Fury and another at 100.

The bosses also have a passive ability called Iron Will, which is triggered when one of the bosses reaches 20% health.  This instantly grants all the bosses 100 Iron Fury, and stacks a buff on them increasing their damage done by 10% every 20 seconds.

The Surroundings

The fight takes place on a square platform.  This is where the fight starts and where the raid will spend most of its time.  However, there’s another fight area that is sometimes accessible:  a short distance from the platform, there is a large ship.  At regular intervals (about 1 minute into the fight and every 3 minutes and 20 seconds after that), one of the three bosses will leave the platform and jump on to the ship.

The first boss to jump will be the one whose health is lowest at the time of the jump.  The second boss to jump is the one whose health is lowest at the time of the second jump, out of the two bosses that hadn’t jumped the first time.  The third jump will be performed by the boss that hasn’t jumped yet.

When a boss jumps onto the ship, it will cease its normal abilities and will spam projectiles at the main platform.  A number of chains at the edge of the platform become active, allowing some raid members to travel to the deck of the ship.  The chains are single-use.

Once the boss jumps to the ship, it cannot be targeted or attacked.  It will summon a mini-boss which itself can summon more adds.  The raid members who travel to the ship must kill the mini-boss and adds.  

In addition to this, when the mini boss dies, a small bomb will appear on the deck of the ship.  When clicked, it starts a short channel, which sabotages the main gun of the ship.  Failing to do this before a certain amount of time (85-95 seconds) causes the cannon to deal lethal damage to the entire raid.  When the cannon is successfully sabotaged, all raid members on the ship are returned to the main platform, and the boss that had jumped returns there as well, rejoining the fight.

The chains are the only way to get to the ship.  Players who are on the ship are out of range of players on the platform, and vice versa.


When each boss is on the ship, it will  spam Bomb Impact at the platform, where the main raid is located.  Each cast fires a barrage of boss, which deal lots of fire damage in a small radius.  About 5 seconds after landing, they explode, dealing lots of damage in a 7 yard radius.  Bombs that are about to explode grow in size and turn red.  Each wave contains enough bombs to effectively fill up the entire platform (so there are no safe spaces) but fortunately  not all the bombs are launched at once.  The bombs that land first also explode first, creating a safe zone where players can move to avoid the later bombs.

Admiral Gar’an

Admiral Gar’an has two basic abilities, and two that she gains at 30 and 100 Iron Fury, respectively.

* Iron Shot: unavoidable attack that targets a random raid member.  She spams this so much that she will rarely melee her tank.
* Rapid Fire:  Missile ability.  Targets a random raid member and begins firing a barrage of projectiles at that location.  They have a short travel time and their landing spot is indicated by a red circle.

* 30 Iron Fury ability:  Penetrating Shot.  Damage-sharing attack. Targets a random raid member and begins a 6 second cast.  At the end of the cast she deals a massive amount of physical damage to the target, split between players who are located between Gar’an and her target at the time (like Hisek).

* 100 Iron Fury ability:  Deploy Turret.  Summons a turret that fires projectiles in a circular pattern.  Any players hit by the projectiles receive a stacking fire DoT.

When Admiral Gar’an jumps to the ship, she summons a mini-boss called Uktar on the deck of the ship.  Uktar has a single ability, Grapeshot Blast, which targets a random raid member on the ship and delivers a cone of damage.  He spams this ability and does not need to be tanked.  He also summons an add called Battle Medic Rogg.  Battle Medic Rogg has three abilities:

* Earthen Barrier:  interruptible spell that places a damage absorption shield on himself or Uktar.
* Protective Earth: interruptible spell that creates a pool on the ground, which applies a damage absorption shield to himself or Uktar, if they step in it.
* Chain Lightning: interruptible spell that deals Nature damage to a player on the ship and jumps to other nearby players.

Enforcer Sorka

Enforcer Sorka has only one basic ability, and two that she gains at 30 and 100 Iron Fury, respectively.

* Blade Death.  Charge + tornado ability:  A temporary copy of the boss charges a random raid member, dealing damage to them and any other players within 8 yards.  After the charge a tornado will spawn that slowly travels between the location of the boss and the targeted player, and back, before disappearing.  Anyone who comes into contact with the tornado takes damage and is knocked back. If multiple players are hit by Blade Dash, a tornado will spawn for each player that was hit.

* 30 Iron Fury ability:  Convulsive Shadows.  Disposable Shadow damage DoT on a random raid member.  It starts with 4 stacks.  It deals damage every 2 seconds, and each tick removes a stack.  If the DoT is dispelled, the player takes a much larger amount of damage per dispelled stack.

* 100 Iron Fury ability:  Dark Hunt.  Targets a random raid member, and 8 seconds later the teleports to that player, dealing high physical damage.

When Enforcer Sorka jumps to the ship, she summons a mini-boss called Gorak.  He has a single ability, called Deadly Throw.  He targets a random raid member on the deck of the ship and throws a knife in their direction.  The knife damages the first player it comes into contact with for a high amount of physical damage, and slows the affected player by 80% for 5 seconds.  Additionally, Gorek regularly summons adds called Iron Eviscerators.  They have 3 abilities:

* Fixate:  Fixates a random raid member.
* Swiftness.  Stacking self-buff that increases movement speed and haste.
* Expose Armor:  ability used against the fixated target.  Damage + debuff.

Marak the Blooded

Marak has one ability, and two that are gained at 30 and 100 Iron Fury, respectively.

* Blood Ritual:  targets a random raid member and fires a cone attack in that direction.  Deals high Shadow damage to all affected players.  It has a second component called Crystallized Blood, which deals a massive amount of physical damage to the closest target within that cone.

* 30 Iron Fury ability: Bloodsoaked Heartseeker:  Marak marks 3 targets, then throws an axe at one of them.  The axe bounces between the three marked players, dealing damage each time it hits one of them.  The amount of damage depends on the distance between them:  the closer they are, the higher the damage.

* 100 Iron Fury ability:  Sanguine Strikes:  Her melee attacks inflict raid-wide Shadow damage equal to a part of the damage they deal to her tank.

When Marak jumps to the ship, she summons a mini-boss called Uk'urogg on the deck of the ship.  He has a single ability, called Blood Consumption Aura.  This causes all raid members on the deck of the ship to spawn a damaging void zone at their location every 2 seconds.  These void zones, called Corrupted Blood, are small, but they remain on the ship for the entire duration of the ship phase, and deal a lot of damage to players who stand in them.


* We will designate a group of players to go to the ship during the ship phase.  This group will contain one tank, one healer, and as many DPS as we have chains for.

*  We’ll need to bring the three bosses to low health at the same time, and kill them quickly once the first boss reaches 20% health, which is when all the bosses gain 100 Iron Fury and do much more damgage.


One tank will pick up Sorka, while the other picks up Marak.  There is no need for a tank swap.  Gar’an will only rarely melee her tank, so tanking her causes very little damage.  Either tank can take her.

Admiral Gar’an

On the main platform, Admiral Gar’an needs to be tanked, but she will very rarely melee her tank.  Instead, she will spam Iron Shot at random raid members, which cannot be avoided or prevented in any way.  The damage just has to be healed.

Rapid Fire, her second ability, must be handled very carefully.  The player who is targeted must move away from other raid members, preferably to the edge of the platform, and they have to keep moving to avoid being hit by any of the projectiles.

At 30 Iron Fury Gar’an starts using Penetrating Shot, her damage-sharing ability that targets a player and shares damage with all players between her and the target.  When a player is targeted by this, as many healthy raid members who aren’t being damaged by something else should move between that player and the boss, so the damage is split.

At 100 Iron Fury Gar’an starts using Deploy Turret.  Players have to avoid the blasts from the turret.

Garan’s Mini-Boss, Uktar

He does not need to be tanked.  So sending one healer and 5 DPS (or as many as there are chains) is viable.  Players who are on the ship should spread out to ensure that only the target of Grapeshot Blast takes damage from its cone attack.

Battle Medic Rogg is a higher priority than Uktar.  The ship players should try to kill him off as quickly as possible, while interrupting him as much as possible.  The most important spell to interrupt is Earthen Barrier, followed by Chain Lightning, then Protective Earth.  If a Protective Earth cast gets through, just make sure that neither Uktar nor Rogg steps into the pool on the ground so they don’t get a damage absorption shield.

Note that Rogg does not need to be killed for the players to be able to sabotage the ship.  It is enough to kill Uktar.  An alliterative strategy is to just interrupt Rogg and kill Uktar.  This may be more efficient.

Enforcer Sorka

On the main platform, Sorka must be tanked.  She deals a fair amount of damage to her tank.  While she’s on the platform raid members should be spread out at least 8 yards apart so that Blade Dash (her charge + tornado ability) does not damage more than one player.  After Blade Dash players must avoid being hit by the rather slow-moving tornado.

At 30 Iron Fury Sorka begins applying Convulsive Shadows, a DoT with 4 stacks that deals moderate damage when each stack ticks down.  In principle, healers should not dispel this, but should just heal the players as the debuff ticks down.  The damage of the first tick will be the highest, so players can use a defensive cooldown or a self heal so they don’t die.  Dispelling the debuff should only be done if the rebuffed player has a strong defensive cooldown active, like Dispersion.

At 200 Iron Fury Sorka begins using Dark Hunt, which is a target + teleport spell.  Healers must be aware of players who are targeted by Dark Hunt, as after 8 seconds they’ll take a lot of damage.  They should be topped off.

Sorka’s mini-boss, Gorak

When Sorka jumps to the ship she’ll summon Gorak, who needs to be tanked.  When fighting him players should be grouped together behind the tank (with Gorak facing all the players) so that no matter which player Gorak targets, the first player to be hit will be the tank, who will soak the high amount of physical damage dealt.

While Fighting Gorak, the Iron Eviscerators are a top priority.  He constantly summons these.  They’re easy to handle as long as they haven’t been alive for a long time (their stacking self-buff makes the longer-lived ones more dangerous).  Players who are fixated should move and kite them.  It’s best if the fixated players move in tight circles around Gorak, so that bleach damage hits both Gorak and the Iron Eviscerators. 

Marak the Blooded

On the main platform, Marak must be tanked.  Players have to be prepared for casts of Blood Ritual, Marak’s cone attack.  This attack requires special handling.  Whenever a player is targetted by Blood Ritual they should quickly move behind Marak’s tank, so that the tank is between Marak and the targeted player.  The goal is to have only the tank and the targeted player in front of Marak, so that the cone attack only hits the two of them, with the tank closest to the boss so that he can soak the physical damage element of the ability, called Crystallized Blood.

At 30 Iron Fury, Marak begins casting Bloodsoaked Heartseeker.  The axe attack that bounces between three targeted players and deals more damage the closer they are to each other.  The players who are marked by they ability must move as far away from each other as they can.

At 100 Iron Fury, Marak begins using Sanguine Strikes.  This causes the raid to take part of the damage the tank takes.  During this ability the tank should chain as many damage-mitigating abilities as possible in order to reduce the damage the raid takes.  Healers must also be prepared and save some raid cooldowns.  Since it comes in at 100 Fury, the fight will be close to its end, so this is the time to go all out as far as healing goes.

Marak’s mini-boss, Uk'urogg

When Marak jumps to the ship, she’ll summon Uk'urogg, who needs to be tanked.  The only concern of players on the ship is correct management of the space on the ship, as they’ll be leaving little void zones behind them every 2 seconds.  It’s possible to run out of space.  Players must begin on one end of the ship, opposite the end where the bomb to sabotage the ship is located, pack the void zones neatly next to each other, and slowly work their way to the other end of the ship by the time Uk’urogg dies.

General Strategy

Before 30 Iron Fury
* stay spread out for the most part
* move out of the raid when targeted by Rapid Fire
* move in front of Marak but behind the tank when targeted by Blood Ritual

After 30 Iron Fury, additional movement is required:
* Move in and soak the damage of Penetrating Shot
* Players targeted by Blood-soaked Heartseeker must spread out
* Healers must heal Convulsive Shadows instead of dispelling it

After 100 Iron Fury, the fight will enter its most intense phase.  The bosses should be around 20% health by this point, which means that the 100 Iron Fury phase could be triggered by getting one boss to 20% anyway.  If this is the case, the bosses will additionally receive a stacking self-buff.  This is a very intense, stressful phase, with increasing raid-wide damage from Sanguine Strikes, which will eventually overwhelm the healers and lead to a wipe.  100 Fury is a soft enrage mechanic.

When a boss jumps to the ship and begins casting Bomb Impact, the entire platform will be hit by bombs.  Avoiding the initial impact can be difficult, but their damage is low, so that’s not a big problem.  The biggest concern is making sure NOT to take damage from their subsequent explosions.  Here’s how to do this:  When the bombs begin to land on the platform, we must pay attention to which ones land first.  We need to move close to these bombs, but still outside their 7-yard blast radius, and wait for them to explode.  As soon as they explode, we’ll move into the area they were in, and we’ll be safe there from the explosions of the bombs that arrived later.  We’ll still have to deal with the abilities of the 2 remaining bosses while handling the bombs.

Boss Order

The bosses need to be damaged simultaneously, so that they all reach 20% at around the same time.  Then when they are at 20%, we can use all DPS cooldowns to finish them off quickly, and all healing cooldowns to survive.  At this time, we can kill the most problematic boss first, which is probably Marak the Blooded, in order to get rid of her DoE damage from Sanguine Strikes.

We do get to control the order in which the bosses jump to the ship.  The idea is to send the easiest boss first, so that this one will be on the platform later in the fight when all the bosses have 30 Iron Fury.  By doing this, we’ll have about 1 minute in which another, more difficult boss, will be gone to the ship, at a later point in the fight when the fight is more difficult.

We will use Bloodlust when the first boss reaches 20% health.

Learning the fight

Blood Rigual, Rapid Fire, and Penetrating Shot all require movement and fast reactions.  But none of these is particularly complex.  The biggest difficulty is Bomb Impact.  Raid members must avoid taking damage from the explosions of the bombs, especially later in the fight.  It’s important to practice how to avoid these: move close to an early unexploded bomb, wait for it to explode, then move into the space left.



* Pick up all three bosses.  One tank should take Sorka, the other Marak.  Gar’an does not have a threat table and does not melee, but can be taunted to have her focus her damage on a tank for a limited amount of time.  This can be helpful but is not necessary.  There is no need for a tank switch.
* Marak should be tanked facing away from the raid, so that only her tank and the player targeted by Blood Rirual take damage from the cone attack.
* When tanking mark, after 100 Iron Fury, chain damage-mitigating cooldowns to reduce the damage the raid takes from Sanguine Strikes.
* Whenever a boss jumps to a ship, one of the two tanks must use a chain to go to the ship as well, and tank the mobs there.  Gore, one of the three mini-bosses, must be tanked facing the raid.


* Be aware of the predictable high damage throughout the fight:
- high damage on Marak’s tank when Blood Ritual is cast.
- high damage on the player targeted by Dark Hunt
- high raid-wide damage from Sanguine Strikes (Marak’s 100 Iron Fury ability)
- high damage on mini-boss Gorak’s tank on the ship

* Watch out for players taking avoidable damage from Rapid Fire and Bomb Impact.


* DPS the three bosses in a balanced way, following the priority lead given by the raid leader.
* If you are jumping on the ship, prioritize adds over the mini bosses.  Interrupt Battle Medit Rogg as much as possible.


* On the main platform:
- Spread out at least 8 yards to minimize damage from Blade Dash.
- Move away from other players and toward the edge of the platform when targeted by Rapid Fire
- Move in front of Marak but behind the tank if you are targeted by Blood Ritual
- Move in between Admiral Gar’an and the player targeted by Penetrating Shot to split damage
- Players targeted by Blood-soaked Heartseeker must move away from each other.

* On the ship:
- Spread out around Uktar to minimize damage from Grapeshot Blast
- Go to the end of the ship opposite the bomb when fighting Uk’urogg, and move slowly forward to place the void zones close together to conserve space.
After researching and understanding this fight, here is my condensed summary:

Okay, this is a council style fight.  We’ll fight three bosses:  Admiral Gar’an, Enforcer Sorka, and Marak the Blooded.  They don’t share a health pool.  Marak and Sorka need to be tanked, but Gar’an does not.  There is no need for a tank swap.

There are three big fight mechanics you need to know about:

* The first is the surroundings.  We’ll fight the bosses on this central platform, but at fixed intervals, one of them will leap to a nearby ship.  From there, she’ll throw bombs at the main platform.

She will throw a LOT of bombs.  They hit for a little damage, but then they stick around for 5 seconds, then they grow big and red and explode for a LOT of damage in a 7 yard radius.  There are enough to cover the whole platform so there are no safe spaces to stand.  But luckily for us, they come in waves.  So we’ll deal with these by approaching an early bomb and standing outside its 7 yard radius.  We’ll wait for it to explode, then we’ll step into that space.  That way we’ll be safe from later bombs.

So, the boss is up there on the ship throwing bombs.  While she’s up there she’ll summon a mini-boss and some adds.  A small group will need to go over to the ship to handle the mini-boss and the adds.  They won’t engage the boss up there because she can’t be targeted or attacked while she’s on the ship.  When the mini-boss is down, the boss jumps back to the platform and the group will detonate a bomb that will disable the ship’s gun.  If they don’t do this, the gun will fire and wipe the raid.

The lowest-health boss will jump over at one minute.  About 3 minutes after that the lowest health boss of the other two will jump over, then 3 minutes after that the third one will go.  The order we send them over in depends on how difficult they are.  We’ll send the easiest ones first so we can send harder ones later when the fight is more difficult.

The ship group will go over on single-use chains.  We’ll have a group of 1 tank, 1 healer, and as many DPS as we have chains for.  

So that’s the first part: we’ll have a strike team that will handle the ship phase, while the rest of the raid avoids the bombs.

* The second mechanic is a resource called Iron Fury.  This starts out empty and slowly increases over time, independently of anything the raid does.  The bosses gain a new ability at 30 Iron Fury and another one at 100 Iron Fury.  It’s a lot like the Twin Shaman in Siege of Orgrimmar.

* The third mechanic is a passive ability they have called Iron Will.  This is triggered when one of the bosses reaches 20% health.  This instantly grants all three bosses 100 Iron Fury and stacks a buff on them that increases their damage every 20 seconds.  That’s the soft enrage mechanic.  For that reason, all the bosses need to reach 20% health at roughly the same time.  We can’t just DPS them down one at a time.

Most important abilities:

Basic abilities, before 30 Iron Fury:

Gar’an:  Rapid Fire.  Launches a projectile that follows that player.  So players need to move out of the raid for that.
Sorka:  Blade Death:  Charge + tornado.  Avoid the tornado.
Marak:  Blood Ritual:  Targeted cone attack that deals very high damage to the closest person within that cone.  It’s like the acid attack by Oregorger.  For this, Marak needs to be tanked facing away from the raid, and the person targeted needs to run behind Marak’s tank so that only the two of them get hit by the cone, and the tank gets the biggest physical hit.

At 30 Iron Fury, each boss gains a new ability:

Gar’an:  Penetrating Shot.  This is a damage-sharing attack, like Hisek.  He’ll target a person, and everyone between the target and the boss will share the damage.  So for that, healthy players should get between the boss and the target.
Sorka:  Convulsive Shadows:  This is a dispellable DoT with four stacks, that does damage each time a stack ticks off.  But it does a lot MORE damage if it is dispelled.  So healers just need to heal through this.  Or they can dispell it if the target uses a mitigation cooldown.
Marak:  Bloodsoaked Heartseeker.  Marak will target three people, then throw an axe at one of them.  The axe bounces between the three players, dealing damage.  It does more damage the closer they are to each other.  So if you get targeted, get away from the other two targets.

At 100 Iron Fury, each boss gains a new ability:

Gar’an:  Deploy Turret.  Summons a turret that fires projectiles in a circular pattern.  Avoid these.
Sorka:  Dark Hunt:  Marks a random raid member with Dark Hunt, then after 8 seconds teleports to that player and does a lot of damage.  This is unavoidable, if you are targeted you can use mitigation, and healers must be ready.
Marak:  Sanguine Strikes:  Her melee attacks deal raid-wide damage equal to PART of the damage they deal to her tank.  So Marak’s tank must chain their mitigation abilities in order to reduce damage to the raid.

Up on the ship:

Gar’an’s add:  Uktar.  He spams a cone attack and doesn’t need to be tanked.  He also summons an add called Battle Medic Rogg, who must be interrupted.  Earthen Barrier is the most important (puts a shield on himself or Uktar); then Chain Lightning; then Protective Earth (puts a void zone on the ground that puts a shield on himself or Uktar if they step in it).  We could potentially send up a healer and DPS and no tank for this one.  We could also just interrupt Rogg and kill Uktar to get access to the bomb.

Sorka’s add:  Gorak.  He casts Deadly Throw, which targets a player and damages and slows the first person it hits.  He also summons Iron Eviscerators which fixate people, debuff them, and get progressively faster.  Gorak needs to be tanked.  Players should group behind the tank with Gorak facing them so that no matter which player Gorak targets with his deadly throw, he’ll hit the tank first.  The Iron Eviscerators aren’t that bad as long as they’re killed pretty quickly.  If you’re fixated kite them, and it’s best to kite around small circles around Gorak so that cleave damage can hit both Gorak and the Eviscerators.

Marak’s add:  Uk’urogg.  He causes void zones to spawn under the feet of the players on the ship every 2 seconds.  So space is an issue.  He needs to be tanked, and players must start on the end of the ship far away from the bomb, and pack the void zones in neatly, and slowly work their way to the other end of the ship by the time he dies.


Now, when the fight starts:

TANKS:  The tanks need to pick up Sorka and Marak.  One tank should take Sorka, while the other takes Marak.  Gar’an doesn’t have a threat table and doesn’t really melee.  She can be taunted to have her focus on a tank for a little while, which is helpful but not necessary.  There is no need for a tank swap on this fight.

Marak needs to be tanked facing away from the raid.

After 100 Iron Fury, Marak’s tank should chain damage-mitigating cooldowns to minimize raid damage.

Whenever a boss jumps to a ship, one of the two tanks must go to the ship as well and tank the mobs there.  One of the mini-bosses, Gorak, needs to be tanked facing away from the raid.

Before 30 Iron Fury

* The raid needs to stay spread out.
* If you get targeted by Rapid Fire, move away from others.
* If you get targeted by Blood Ritual, you need to move behind Marak’s tank.

After 30 Iron Fury:
* Move in and soak the damage from Penetrating Shot (it’s like Hisek’s ability).
* Players targeted by Bloodsoaked Heartseeker must spread out.
* Healers must heal Convulsive Shadows instead of dispelling it.

At 100 Iron Fury, the fight will enter its most intense phase.  We will bloodlust and kill Marak first at that point.
* Avoid the turret shots

* Heal the teleport + hit
* Marak’s tank must chain-mitigate.

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