To Arms, Ironsong!
Zlinka stares at the devastation of the Vale. The scorched, smoking earth; the infected animals; the ash-filled mud that is all that remains of the lakes and rivers; the roving Sha unleashed into Pandaria's inner sanctum.

Zlinka stands.


Garrosh has gone too far!

We have stayed in the shadows, watching as he has betrayed the Darkspear, and the Shu'halo, and the Sindorei. We watched as he attacked the unity of peoples that made our Horde strong.

We stood by, staying our hand, as he turned the Kor'kron against us. We waited as he strode further and further into evil in his pursuit of power.

We waited for the right moment, we waited to gather our strength, we waited until we were strong enough to fight him... and win.

Today, the waiting is over.

Today, we are strong!

Today, we ride against Garrosh!

To arms, Ironsong!! To Orgrimmar!!

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