ZG Raid Information Thread!
The Ironsong Tribe's weekly Zul'Gurub raids:

Monday gathering at 5:30pm
Monday starting at 6:00pm

(We will start as soon as the group is formed if we are ready early with sufficient balanced numbers.)

Typically we will engage three bosses on Mondays. As we continue to improve and increase our pace this will likely change. Occasional additional times may be added to attempt other bosses or to work on faction, Hoodoo Piles, and crafting materials.

Loot rules:
Each member of a raid on a given evening can win one blue or purple item per run. We will however not disenchant anything found unless no one in the raid can use it, regardless of whether they've already received an item that night. Those closest in faction to completing a quest will have priority on receiving the appropriate quest related items. BoE drops will go to those who have not yet won anything first, at the end of the raid.

Special note regarding the Edge of Madness: The class specific set trinkets require a class-appropriate Punctured Voodoo Doll as well as one each of four different green items from the four different possible bosses that rotate approximately biweekly at the Edge of Madness. In order to systematically see trinkets get completed for guild members, those already possessing some pieces will be given priority on receiving subsequent pieces. This way several Tribemates can be working on their trinkets at a time and in turn more will cycle in as the bosses rotate over a period of several weeks.

Invites: Invites to the raid will begin at the beginning of the gather times listed above. On Fridays we have an all-Ironsong run and the invites will be handled as follows. First I will invite my fellow raid organizers Kosath and Eveline, to each of whom we owe a debt of thanks for making this raid happen in the first place, and each of whom continue to contribute constantly to its smooth functioning. Next I will invite a minimum required number of each classes (1-2 each minimum) to form the backbone of the raid necessary for success in our objectives for the night. Finally I will invite the remaining slots less with regard to class and more mindful of their role. (Healing, DPS, backup tanking, etc.)

Please post in this thread if you have a recurring scheduling issue such that you are only available on Mondays or Fridays and we will do our best to take that into account.

Priority will be given in the invites to those who have shown up for other Zul'Gurub nights but for whom there was not enough room in the raid group, those with recurring scheduling issues preventing them from having any chance at being in the other raid night, and those ceding space to members of our ally in the Monday night raid, Rotten Luck.

Technically Rotten Luck should have the opportunity to fill up to 7-10 slots in our Monday raid though this is not regularly the case. In the event that I over-invite Ironsong members and more Rottens than I was informed of arrive, I will ask for volunteers to help our friendly relations with them by ceding space and from those I will choose appropriately in terms of group composition.

After any priority invitations are completed the remaining "wildcard" slots for the night will be filled from a rolling list which will be an effective rotation, though again partly by class partly by role. We have never had more than one druid, for example, so we often take more shamans or priests that might be typical for a 20-man raid in order to flesh out the "healing" roll. Our Tribe has a large number of warriors, in another example, so when the main tanking slots are filled additional warriors might be asked to fill DPS slots along with Mages, Hunters, Warlocks, and Rogues.

For those who expressed concern, there will be no further rolling done now that we have gotten things started with Friday's raid. I apologize for the confusion and delays that night; I think it turned out to be a very successful raid.

I will not be posting the rotation as it cannot be strictly adhered to as I can't predict the effect of RL on folks' attendence at the raids. Please come if you are interested and are able and we will try to fill the raid as quickly and efficiently as possible so that those unable to attend do not feel their time has been wasted.


(( For the time being, Edo's work schedule does not permit our attendance on Monday Evenings... however, this could change at any time with little notice and without our ability to forsee how the schedule will change (ie: leaving us either busy or free both days) ))
I have already mentioned it, but I may as well put it here, I will never be able to attend the monday night raids. Those darn bovines just wanna get fed, everyday; what's up with that anyway?
I can definately make Monday night raids, 100% of the time unless something unforseen gets in the way.

I can technically make Friday night raids as well, however (and please forgive the geekieness of this) Friday is also when the Sci-Fi channel plays new episodes of Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Battlestar Galactica so...that can potentially creates a schedule conflict for me. =P

So...Monday, yes. Friday, usually but not always.
[Image: 85443.png][Image: 85444.png]
I can only make the Friday night raids myself. Since I hit 60 I have been wanting to explore a lot of the end game since I have drug my feet about leveling up. So if I can go I'd like to.
so many many people who want to go now...
Mondays I can't ...well I won't say can't, but it's hard to go when I have to get up so early Tuesday mornings for work. Fridays however...I'm there!
Don't mess with the trees!

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

~Bill Cosby

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