Small tibit from the Class forums I thought some might have missed.
Quote:# Dark Pact will be receiving treatment similar to the Life Tap change, so that it takes spell damage gear into account (scaling).
# The Felguard is still under development, so I don't have too many specifics that might not change. However, a brief exchange in a meeting with the devs went something like this:
- Me - What's the Felguard looking like? Will it possibly replace the VW?
- Dev - Hmmm...yeah, maybe it should. It has DPS abilities at the moment, but maybe it should have some threat-generating mechanics, as well.
- Me - ...(thinks of respecing into demo)
Hey, no guarantees, but it is under consideration.
# Shadow Embrace is a self-oriented buff that reduces physical damage the Warlock may take. It won't stack with repeated casting.
# Nether Protection will only proc from an outside source. Hellfire, Lifetap or other self-inflicted damage will not proc the effect.
# Someone had asked why threat reduction was applied to Imp. Drain Soul instead of something like Grim Reach. Simply put, it makes a lesser used talent more valuable.
# Soulwell is not the only source for Master Healthstones.
# Seed of Corruption will explode whenever the target takes a total of 1044 damage from one or more sources. It only damages opponents. The damage from the explosion will count toward the 1044 damage of another target, should one be nearby. Think about that for a bit. You could also refer to the sig below for inspiration.

Orginal post here: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread...5101&sid=1
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
Man, the exchange about the Felguard is so uninspiring. Is Blizzard just tossing stuff in without thinking about it all?

"Hmm.. let's add something to the Warlock tree.. I know, we'll call it Felguard!"
"What's it do, Frank?"
"Who knows, we'll come up with that later."


Guess it all comes down to what every 3rd warlock is complaining about. Instead of doing something useful with our existing pets (yes yes, scaling, yada yada) or actually making our Infernal and Doom Guard more than party favors, they just toss a new pet in.

But who knows? Maybe they got creative with the Felguard and it will have some unique characteristics that make it worthwhile. I'll reserve my final opinion for when I see the specifics. Of course that just leads me back to the beginning of this post and how on earth could they not have a clear picture of the Felguard at this point.


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