About time! (LFG tool)
In case you've missed this little gem on the WoW homepage, they're including an LFG UI tool in the Burning Crusade expansion. This is reminiscent of the LFG tool that EQ created (one of the better things SOE ever did for that game, IMO). No more putting up with the idiocy in the global LFG channel, just use this tool!

Details and screenies here.
Maybe now they will change the LFG channel to world chat. It would save a lot of people the trouble of having to read the posts of idiots when they're actually trying to find a group.. In my case global chat will be off =P

But yea, this is a good idea. I haven't actually seen anything similair to it in other games but I'm willing to learn how to use the tool and when everyone does, it will make all our lives a bit easier.
I've been told that its alot like Ever Quest LFG option, though it reminds me personally of an Addon that I used to use. Dropped it eventually due to a lack of others useing it, but being a standard, this should be handy.
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
It's going to make life a lot easier, that's for sure! "Cold-calling" strangers to fill that last spot has always been annoying.
It is a really good feature, but right now it's pretty buggy,,, most people are still using random LFG messages at the moment...

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