Hehe, the short time I was in college I studied Eastern religions and this is a concept that is quite common among them.

Eruadan actually has the exact sort of philosophy that I described, I just havent written about it yet.
About the "Holy Light" I was under the impression that the "Holy Light" that humans worshiped and the Naruu were one and the same, An inteligent race made up of pure light energy that saw fit to bless certain beings with the power of the light........though I wonder how Muruu can be a "Dark Naruu" if the naruu are beings of pure light.......
Take the Light away and what do you have left? Darkness...didnt the Blood knights aquire their power from M'uru by taking it rather than it being given?
That would imply to me Erudan as the takeing of the light would sort of be a slow form of murder then since the naruu are said to be pure light then it would stand to reason that when you take the light you are takeing their life force and Muruu as a "Dark Naruu" would actually be pretty much just a naruu close to death and driven insane by that fact.....
From my understanding, the idea of a dark naruu actually has nothing to do with Mu'ru being drained. Its more of a him being merged with Vexallus. Its a bit shakey, from what I've dreged out of the raiding sites, but a void lord or something managed to mix with the naruu. Which means that the Voidwalker and Naruu probably are just diametrically opposed energy forces.

Construing this, it isn't hard to think that as the Naruu grant their power of holy energy to heal and destroy, Warlocks (or heck, priests)themselves could actually do the exact same thing with an equally powerful Void Lord to draw from. There was some bit of noise about this from the ethereum line in Netherstorm. We eventually summoned that one to outland and destroyed him (Dimensious) but what if that was just a lesser void lord? We know of Vexxalus and what he did...what more could there be?
[Image: 2738341mWkUR.png]
That does make alot of sence considering that the voidwalkers are demons made out of shadow thanks Ghol. ^.^

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