WAR - Discussing SERVERS pg 3
and watch out for spiders.
Goji Wrote:and watch out for spiders.

Indeed... 8-)
Any decision on server needs to made soon.

Those of us with the CE will be rolling our live toons this coming Sunday, normal pre-orders on the following Tuesday, and then the 18th is here and the masses get in.
RP server names haven't been posted yet.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
*waves to Zlinka as she is in this forum at the same time*
Merrina - Troll Huntress
Dannae - Troll Priestess
Aya'Tor - Orc Warlock
Zyndala - Blood Elf Mage
Zerrah - Forsaken Death Knight
Will there be multiple servers. One for each side? It looks like most of you will be rolling Destruction but i'm liking the Ironbreakers too, plus the Order seems to be the underdogs much like the Horde. and less lag.
Probably Goji, yes. Really, most of us are just looking to try it out for a bit before WotLK comes out, so two servers works fine.

For any who may be concerned, we're not all running away to this game. We'll be in WoW as well, and I know I'll be fully in WoW for WotLK.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.warhammerinfo.com/servertypes.shtml">http://www.warhammerinfo.com/servertypes.shtml</a><!-- m -->

While a Core RP server type is said to be planned, none of the current servers are listed as such. All of the servers are either Core or Open RVR. As much as I generally hate PvP servers, the temper of this game really lends itself to an Open RVR server for RP- I'm not sure how you can RP an active and ongoing war if you can't freely attack the enemy.

As to faction balance, it's tipped towards Destruction but not nearly as heavily as in WoW. The game gives you population stats whenever you join a scenario and it was usually 2:3 or 3:4 in favor of Destruction.
2:3 or 3:4 may not seem like much until you come across a public quest that is pvp based (there is one for dwarf vs. orc). In every "chapter" so far I have been able to complete it and move on except for that one. If that were for every quest? Trust me, there is plenty of pvp in the game without adding this level of frustration (tons, you really can't miss it and avoiding it means you miss out on the best gear).

The other problem would be zone layout. The auto-flagging areas are well layed out, but the rest of the world has a lot of bottlenecks. Every new zone as a dwarf thus far has been "I walk through a tunnel into a village on the edge of the new zone". Griefing would be unbelievably easy.
Kosath Whitehorn
"The Tribe is my weapon.  I am their shield."
Agreed, there are lots of problems with an Open RvR, and while most of the other lands aren't as bad with bottlenecks there are still enough bridges that it would get annoying.

I just don't see how one stays in character while running harmlessly past your sworn racial enemy. Particularly if you roll one of the particularly blood thirsty races.
I just ran into a problem last night playing WAR and had a thought that may determine which server to join. As I was questing, I saw only 2-3 characters around in about 2 hours. That makes it a problem doing any PQ quests. Also, I was queued for a scenario and not one came up to join.

So, either everyone has leveled past me cause they have more time to play, or they are staying in beginning chapters and repeating them. We joined a server with a low pop to mainly avoid lag. But a low population means you can only do quests.

Granted, if a good portion of IST is playing the game we will have some people to group up with, but at some point we will start to level past others and some will want to reroll a few characters until they find the one they like to play.

So my theory is that we may want to join a server that is not a low populated server.

The other drawback is that you can only go back one Tier below you to finish the content in there. This prevents higher levels going back to Tier1 to help out friends who reroll and can't find people to do PQ's with, which i thing are the funnerist (lol) part of the game along with the open RVR. (Which i have yet to experience cause i'm only lvl 11 and noone is around. *sigh*) Scenarios are great to join at any time...if the queue wasn't so long.

So with that, have a high population and putting up with more crybaby kids may be worth it to enjoy the content. *shrugs*

Also, just read in the forums that there are high level bosses roaming around each Tier that are kinda hidden or not on the road most followed. Also, depending on if our faction has control of an area, more dungeons or hidden things are available. Very nice feature I think...as long as there are people to enjoy it with.

Granted it's only beta and i'm sure the population will increase on release but can see lower lvls become a ghost town after a year or so much like WoW. But like I said, if a major part of the game is PQ and scenarios that help you level up, you will fall behind if all you can do is quests.

anyway...that's enough run-on sentences from me.

Servers: Order: Tor Elyr

Shillatae and I will be diving in this Sunday, like Kaerrah.

The North American RP Servers are as follows:

Tor Elyr . . . chosen as Order
Phoenix Throne

On the official posting, they have not been split up into time zones, so I am going to go ahead and assume that they are not especially relevant at present.

Tae, myself, and a few others we know will be pledging to Order, on the Tor Elyr server.

Tae and I are creating a high elf Swordmaster and an Archmage, respectively. The synergy between the two is incredible, and in the PvP scenarios we've often not died at all.

For those Ironsong pledging Destruction:
Please consider choosing either the Phoenix Throne or Skavenblight RP servers.
Post your decision here, because I would like to create my Destruction characters too!

Of course, many of us have friends that are eager to play this and we certainly will not all wind up on the same sides / servers. As well as the fact that some will surely enjoy the RP-RvR or even the Core servers instead. That is understandable!

Also: Everyone has seen this Penny Arcade comic, right?
I would feel remiss on not playing as destruction on your server in the hopes of meeting, eating and crapping out my long time friends. I mean really...Order? Just not fun at all. If I do go order you'll probably see me as a battlepriest though, never did try it out in Beta - far more chaos oriented. But the class has some wicked pvp potential.

We also have to confirm that all three RP servers will be available at CE headstart launch.
"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris
I think I'm probably going to end up on RP-RvR.

It's been a sublime pleasure folks.

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