When I was alive, I was known as Zul’Ankoo. As it has been many years since then, you may simply call me Ankoo.

Most people refer to me as a Death Knight, but I am the servant to no man, nor to Death itself. I have experienced Death and returned its victor. I stand before you now requesting your aid and offering my own in return. For now the enemy is an immortal god. I feel an explanation is in order.

As a child, I grew up on the Echo Isles. I began learning the art of Voodoo from my father, who was an apprentice to the witch doctor Zalazane. When Zalazane’s betrayal forced my tribe to leave the Echo Isles for good, my father refused to teach me anything more as he had seen what the Voodoo had done to his people. I left the Darkspear Tribe in search for others who would teach me.

I spent many seasons traveling from village to village. Each witch doctor that I encountered was as mundane as the last. Their powers over the Voodoo were limited to hexes and simple parlor tricks. It was when I met Zanzil the Outcast that I began practicing the art of Necromancy. I felt that this was the next logical step in using Voodoo to control the spirits. These spirits took physical form and were easy to command. They thirsted for vengeance, just as I thirst for vengeance today.

It was not long before the rumors of a great Necromancer spread throughout the ranks. Some claimed that the spirits were urging them to travel far to the north to the Plaguelands. Those who heard the voices were deemed worthy of praise and soon left to seek their new leader. Jealousy led to dissension among the tribe. It was only a few weeks before I received my call. I packed my things and took off before the quarreling took a deadly turn. Three seasons passed before I reached the Plaguelands. However, my heart sank in humiliation when I realized that it had been a trap.

I was taken captive by the Scourge and given two options: give my soul freely to serving the Lich King, or die and serve the Lich King in Undeath. I have no idea how much time passed after my death, but when I awoke I was under the control of the Lich King. Every moment under his control felt like an eternity; an eternity that I was forced to spend spreading the seed of cruelty and hatred. Seasons passed and as you are probably well aware of what transpired at Light’s Hope Chapel, I will spare you the tale. I was free. I *am* free. But… my heart has been scared by this torment.

Arthas, the Lich King, must pay… even if it means my death.

It is in this conquest that I come to you asking for your brotherhood. I have heard tales of your tribe’s bravery and even witnessed them first hand. I have seen Donalzon lead his comrades into the halls of Naxxaramas, Wakaraina and Orenthas heal the grievous wounds of their comrades, and Amato tirelessly shred through the hordes of enemies.

I can offer my skills as an accomplished blacksmith and miner. I am sure Azkedelia can vouch for my abilities as she has commissioned me before. More importantly, I can offer my sword and oath to protect the Ironsong Tribe in hopes that you might one day help me find justice.

I have you read our Code of Conduct, and give my oath willingly.

Wow, man. Nice app.

I also vouch for the guy. Even though he wakes up even earlier than ME.

I have seen him in action and would vouch for his loyalty any day.


Ah, yes, many fine pieces of Daunting Handguards... that I, of course, would never even think of disenchanting... *cough*

((A very good friend of mine IRL, and I have to say, a pretty awesome application!))
I thought Ankoo was a female?

Anyhow thank you for your application. Please attend our next moot to introduce yourself to those few Tribe members that don't know you yet. Moots are held at a random location every Thursday at 6pm Orgrimmar (server) time.
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Cloudjumper Wrote:I thought Ankoo was a female?

...quiet type? Lots of plate armor? Hard to tell, those lanky trolls, sometimes...
I got confused as to whether Ankoo's a female or not. It's so hard to tell with other races sometimes, since they're all far less pretty than me.

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