Summer 2018 Raid Plan
Hi everyone!

Congratulations to everybody for your hard push to get through Heroic Throne of Antorus!  You did a GREAT job on some tough fights (OMGWTH Coven).

With summer upon us, and a new expansion coming up in August, we know a lot of people are looking forward to a break.  So we are planning to relax our progression raiding schedule over the summer.

We propose that those who want to raid for achievements, normal modes, heroic modes, raids from previous expansions etc. show up at the regular raid times, and decide what to do together.  Oryx and I will attend when we can, too.  Remember that there's an "alt raid" on Mondays at 7:30 as well!

If you want to take a break from raiding, now is an excellent time to do so.   If you have been wanting to try a different class or role, this is an excellent time to experiment, too.  We'll all be getting a gear squish in BfA so there's no time like the present.

As usual, we'll start regular raiding again after we've leveled up and geared up in the new expansion.  We'll figure out an exact start date once we get a feeling for how the gearing-up curve goes in the new 5-man heroics and mythics.  

Enjoy your summer!

I feel bad for missing the Heroic kills for those last few bosses. It seems like they all went down on Thursdays, when I can only come on Tuesdays. Oh well. Lol.

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