In Character

Name: Oogarim
Race: Orc
Occupation : Warrior

Well, currently I have arrived in Durotar, and lived a good chunk of my life in Mulgore with my Uncle. Unfortunately, as the cataclysm hit, my family and I were heading to Orgrimar, to visit some friends of my dad. I lost them in the destruction, and since then, have been working to make them proud. As for the future, I want to be a blacksmith, like my mom. Also, to cook like my uncle.

Well, I always keep Ooraka, my corehound, near me. I found the little guy on one of my travels, and could not say no to him following me. Now and then, he gets into trouble, but I just can't send him away. I always try to keep in good spirits, but now and then enjoy smashing any alliance that I can..... without dying.

I have read and understand the code of conduct, and will uphold it till death, or expulsion, whichever is more permanant.

Out Of Character

Please fill this section out as yourself. Thank you!

1. I cannot remember the previous guilds, as it has been too long. None on Silver hand, I can say that much.
2. What are you looking for from Ironsong? I am just looking for friends to be around, roleplay, and have fun kicking butt.
3. How long have you played Warcraft? In total, I've had it for about 4-5 years, though only played about 3 of it due to lack of constant funds until late.
4. If you have a preference, when do you tend to play? Usually weekends, mondays, or during the mornings, 8am-2pm CST
5. If you have anything you would like to add to tell us more about yourself, do so here. Simply put, I do have some ADHD, so need some corraling now and then when I get off topic, but am easily able to get into character.
Mok'ra, Oogarim!

Thank you for your application! I'm glad to meet you. Please contact Oryx, Melikar, Shantow, or myself in-game for a chat and invite.

Alright. Though usually am on at random times, so who knows if we will cross paths.
Oryx and I frequently log on between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. server time, and stay online until about 9:30, so that's a good time to find us. I also come online during the day, though more randomly.

I look forward to getting in touch with you.

being 2 hours ahead of the server, I am usually gone from 8pm to 4pm mon-fri.
I am enjoying the Ironsong so far. Much fun is had, though not too sure what is expected of me. If it is obvious, I am a bit slow then.
Hi Oogarim,

Nothing is expected of you except that you have fun, and play the game as you like best.

If you want to get more out of the guild, I suggest that you reach out to people (if you haven't already). Speak up in guild chat. Use "hooks" that give other people lots of options in how they respond to you. Speak up OOC too (in brackets (())).

Group with others, get to know people. I see that you're level 19... we do have a few other lowbies right now, but if you're having trouble finding them, wait two weeks -- there will be LOTS of lowbies to level up with once Mists comes out. Join the wave of pandas or make one yourself and join the fun. Join people when they ask for a group, even if it isn't exactly what you want to do right then. If you play with others, you'll start to make social connections, and soon when you ask for groups others will jump in for you, as you did for them.



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