Tribe Leadership
Mok'ra, Tribe!

You have probably noticed that Sreng has been offline for three months now. In discussion with the other officers, Oryx and I have stepped forward to lead the guild.

As guild leaders, Oryx and I are continuing to do what we have been doing for the past 9 months: leading raids once or twice a week, and posting a newsletter to the forum. For Mists, we will additionally run an LFR raid and 5-man-heroics nights for as long as they are useful to the guild.

We are also dealing with administrative issues like returning stolen items to the guild bank and increasing the daily repair budget, and when Mists hits we will keep the guild bank stocked with enchanting and feast supplies, and so forth. We will also examine our ranking system and discuss updating it with our fellow officers.

We also want to re-energize recruitment to get some new members into the guild. If you have good candidates for guild membership, please refer them to an officer so we can get the ball rolling on recruitment.

When and if Sreng returns as an active player, we will happily return the guild to him should he desire it. But we strongly believe that Ironsong will benefit from active leadership, so we are stepping forward into that role during Sreng's absence, for as long as that absence may be.

Long live Ironsong!

-Zlinka and Oryx

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