Kudos to Vortok's Role Playing
I was reading the Official forums about Silver Hand, and came upon this quote about Vortok from Exaday (a fellow level 60 Shaman).

The context is that some lvl 60 alliance who was attacking the guards at the Crossroads was crying about getting killed at the crossroads etc by Vortok. The Flagged alliance member was solo fighting a Crossroad guard, when Vortok's smote her down.

Here is what a fellow Hordling has to say about Vortok in defending him.

"Vortok does not read the forums but he is one of best role-players on the server and his reputation is impecable. He is also fairly good at PvP so I do not think he would be afraid of you. To him your attacking a Horde outpost and he has a right to do that to you.

Sometimes it is a drag to get killed but try and avoid coming here and complaining about it. It does no good at all and makes you seem like a sore loser."

I commend Vortok for defending our lands, and his RP committment.
Heh, it's rather amusing when people mistake mercy for cowardice.
There is an ancient saying...
"Old enough to sit at the table, old enough to eat."
If you are old enough to attack the crossroads guards, then you are old enough to defend yourself.

Lord Vortok is a most honorable Orc.
We are honored to count him among us.

Sing True Ironsong!

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