'Ear me now, 'ear me now, disya Irie sah mon de First Sergeant o de horde. Iz been hol ih dung obeah pon ya, das good voodoo of de shaman raft. 'Monst ja mi be yute, mi been mash it'n up fer fiiity seven seasons. Iz got deem tailor talents up der an mas h'enchanter be tad maga mon!

If mi muss be talk'n bout dem h'erly years ya muss be 'earin bout me Darkspear lot. Side from loosin' our 'omlan mi family been ruin by das mascot Zalazane! Disall in de pass mon, for de first ting I been doin when I learn de voodoo iz swim out to dem Echo Islands an lock up Zalazane fer good. Since den iz been rep'n Thrall an 'is crowd, ya horde ya herd?

Mez been seein de Ironsong Tribe round quite some time. Iz only now been strong nuff wit de voodoo to be proachin ja. Les link-up and brin lilly honor pon de Horde. Iz no likky-likky so no worries mos def. Jah bless.

So if your phonetic/island speak skills aren't up to that...
My character's name is Irie. I'm a 57 Shaman. I also tailor and dabble in enchanting. I see Ironsong Tribe folks around all the time and have talked with several of you.

I'm a young professional who holds down a 40ish hour work week. I want to maxamize my time online. I really don't enjoy putting up with leet speaking kids especially when I waited for 30 minutes in Org to get stuffed in a group with them. I want a solid base to group with.

I'm a die hard role player. You can catch me hanging out in an inn just holding conversations with others on a regular basis. I'll break character if I'm in PvP though. I've checked out your website and I really would like to join your guild. If you have any questions feel free to contact me in game or at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->


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