Duskstrikers application
1) State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise.

Duskstriker be ma’name mon.

2) List your vocation, be it Mage, Hunter, or any other.

I be a Troll Hunter. I hunts anything that moves, so me’sugest you be staying very still.

3) Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

I kno noting of me family. I knos noting of where I came from. It be like I waking up from da long sleep, understand mon? I be have'n dis one dream that be haunt'n me. I see what me thinks is ma family bein' kill'd by dem humans. I be very little in dis dream and not know'n where dis dream be happen'n. I remember'n howls of da wolves. I thinks dis is what led me to me pet.

4) Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.

I is currently working on da first aid mon n’ da engineering. KABOOM’s make me da happy troll.

5) What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?

I has been alone my whole life n’ now I be seeking a home.

6) Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.

I has met some of da nice people from ya tribe. Cloudjumper n’ Gyrmfang have helped me during my travels. I has seen lots of da Ironsong members around Orgrimmar.

7) What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?

I went on da long n’ grueling travel to get me pet. His name is Shadow and he thanks Grymfang for helping me to find him. Now I be training n’ taming the wild beast. I is hope'n he can help me remember'n my past and my family. I feels a strange connection with da wolves.

8) What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?

I wants to find a nice home so I can settle down. No dats not what I wants. I wants a tribe that suits me needs, do you know what I means mon?

9) What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?

Ahhh mon, I be enjoying da hunting and the people. *Grins* in case you don’t kno, I is usually hunting da peoples.

10) Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

I will comply master.
Bout time you put your mark upon the totem.

Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)

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