And again...
I've re-activated my account. The wife finally got enough space cleared out to put in a second table so when my order comes in from NewEgg with a monitor and router I'm going to set up my old computer for her. She's been talking about playing WoW with me since the Friends and Family Alpha. I probably won't do anything with Kaerrah or my other high levels, but you might see me over the weekend putzing with my little warlock.

We'll likely be doing a shaman/hunter combo (She wants a crocodile apparently and if I don't play a healing class she's gonna get us both killed), but she won't be guilding- she's got not a drop of RP in her.
The face eater returns!
First off, having Kaerrah on the account... we know you'll be back on there at some point. Also, I've got a brand new fledging hunter, so keep an eye out for the newly born Halazea.

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