Good old games
Developer and publisher CD Projekt (known outside Poland mostly for "The Witcher") will be starting up a new online distribution service "Good Old Games" for old PC games, with no DRM nor copy protection in a price range of $6-10.

For now, GOG is in beta stage. They offer classic games by Interplay and Codemasters, including Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics, and they hope to eventually expand its catalog to include titles from other publishers, such as EA and LucasArts.

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Found it while trollling forums for fallout 3
Saltin (mage 375tailor ,375 enchanter)
Lucrenda (Rogue 375miner ,352 smith)
Asaram (Hunter 375skinner 351 leatherworker)
Pahakan (Warrior 350herbs 375alchemy )
Mantiki (Shaman 355miner 363engineer)
Hoti (Warlock 190Miner 350 jeweler)
Have Alt Will Travel

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