Dungeon Changes for Cataclysm
Here's a list of all 1-60 dungeons post Cataclysm and the level range at which each should be explored, followed by the minimum level required for entry in parentheses.

In order by minimum level to enter.

* The Deadmines - Level Range: 15-21 (10)
* Ragefire Chasm - Level Range: 15-21 (10)
* Wailing Caverns - Level Range: 15-25 (10)
* Shadowfang Keep - Level Range: 16-26 (11)
* Stormwind Stockade - Level Range: 20-30 (15)
* Blackfathom Deeps - Level Range: 20-30 (15)
* Gnomeregan - Level Range: 24-34 (19)
* The Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard - Level Range: 26-36 (21)
* The Scarlet Monastery - Library - Level Range: 29-39 (21)
* The Scarlet Monastery - Armory - Level Range: 32-42 (21)
* The Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral - Level Range: 35-45 (21)
* Razorfen Kraul - Level Range: 30-40 (25)
* Maraudon - Purple Crystals - Level Range: 30-40 (25)
* Maraudon - Orange Crystals - Level Range: 32-42 (25)
* Maraudon - Pristine Waters - Level Range: 34-44 (25)
* Uldaman - Level Range: 35-45 (30)
* Dire Maul - East - Level Range: 36-46 (31)
* Scholomance - Level Range: 38-48 (33)
* Dire Maul - West - Level Range: 39-49 (34)
* Razorfen Downs - Level Range: 40-50 (35)
* Dire Maul - North - Level Range: 42-52 (37)
* Stratholme - Main Gate - Level Range: 42-52 (37)
* Zul'farrak - Level Range: 44-54 (39)
* Stratholme - Service Entrance - Level Range: 46-56 (41)
* Blackrock Depths - Prison - Level Range: 47-57 (42)
* The Sunken Temple - Level Range: 50-60 (45)
* Blackrock Depths - Upper City - Level Range: 51-61 (46)
* Lower Blackrock Spire - Level Range: 55-65 (48)
* Upper Blackrock Spire - Level Range: 55-65 (48)
Etsuko - Monk
Razzlixx Blingwell - Warlock
Cloudjumper Wildmane - Druid (Inactive)
Great list, thanks!

FYI. Blizzard just lowered the experience earned in 1-60 dungeons and via dungeon-specific quests 1-60, so that we can stop grossly out-levelling the quest content of the zones we are in when we choose to run the dungeon for our current zone. (Yay!).

This should make it easier to level *and* see the awesome questlines. (btw: forsaken Tiristfal -> Silverpine -> Hillsbrad is *awesome*, so is Mulgore!)

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