So, I decided that I like Elemental more than Enhancement for levelling, especially with the pushback changes and talents to eliminate pushback. Having spent a lot of time in the Druid trees as well, I can't help but notice a real lack of synergy between the Elemental and Resto trees - crit rates are built separately for damage and healing spells, etc. Has anyone else noticed this?
Yep. They don't work together nearly as well as they used to. Waaayyy back when, a half-and-half spec was pretty viable. I had Cora at... hm.... 31/20, I think, for a long time. Now, however, Resto and Enh work more naturally together, which is kind of annoying.

I haven't really decided what I think about it, though. I'm not a number-cruncher, and I tend to just play how I like and not look too closely at what that means.

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