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Full Version: Guildchat consideration
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Well folks, it's been a couple weeks. Time to sound off. How did the trial run go? Where do we go from here? Thoughts and comments are invited. Ready, GO!
Personally, I dont think it has really had a negative impact. Guild chat is more lively than I have seen it in a long time. Despite the fact that topics haven't really been enforced, I think as a whole it has opened us up a bit more on a personal level.

RP chat I have seen has been about the same as it was before, just in a different place. I myself am not much of a Roleplayer but its still good to see that it does happen and those that do enjoy that part of the game are making an effort for it to happen.

I am all for the keeping the changes permanent.


Eruadan Wrote:Personally, I dont think it has really had a negative impact. Guild chat is more lively than I have seen it in a long time.

15-20 people on at prime time helps.

Honestly, I think any evaluation of this change is going to be necessarily muddled by the release of cataclysm. Is Guild chat more lively than IronsongOOC was because it's guild chat, or because the guild is more active? I'd also think that the cut of our RP jib will be different once everyone is past the leveling/gearing phase and has more idle time in game. There's been a couple good RP conversations that I simply had to step out of and ignore because I was too busy in a dungeon.

I just think that as far as trial runs go, the results of this one can't be conclusive because there are too many other variables at play.
I feel more or less the same as before. Either way seems fine to me.

p.s. Join the new IronsongUprising channel for all your plotting against Sreng and his despotic regime.
Eruadan Wrote:Despite the fact that topics haven't really been enforced,

Honestly, I'm partly (mostly?) to blame for not keeping GC strictly ... well, whatever it was supposed to be. And, sure ironsongooc is supposed to be used for talking about your RL pets and what not. Where does one draw the line? What if your conversation about goblin hunter tactics becomes a conversation about your four-legged furry friend. Pray that the chat police don't show up! Mwa ha ha.

One thing I did to my ironsongRP channel was change the color of it so that it didn't just blend into the trade chat. I agree with Kaerrah. Before Cataclysm, the average number of people on, on an non-raid night, was 8-12, during prime time. Sometimes not even that. The numbers have gone approximately 15-20 on average. (That's my guesstimate- take it or leave it! ;D ) I don't really think the changes have affected RP that much. I think the addition of a certain green, pointy-eared race has. Let's face it; goblins are THAT cool; and in all seriousness, they bring a factor into RP that has been missing from the Horde side - fun - or is that mischieviousness. RP is not an easy thing to get into if you're still working out the personality of your character, or if you're not familiar with the personality of the other character. Or if you can't remember that character. -sometimes I find that just knowing who's Alt it is helps me to rp with them. ) ((Maybe more later. Wanted to get a tid-bit in before I went back to work.))

And the fact that it does take a LOT longer to do a heroic dungeon now, also factors into the amount of time we can spend RPing and chatting.

I really like the fact that Guild chat can be used to gather together a guild run through a dungeon with--what seems to me--more success then it used to.

I also like that--now that guild chat is not RP--guild chat is more laid back.

All in all, I'd say, unless things went downhill, keep things the way that they are.
Noodlemortis Wrote:p.s. Join the new IronsongUprising channel for all your plotting against Sreng and his despotic regime.

Better than you have tried, Texas.


Sreng Wrote:
Noodlemortis Wrote:p.s. Join the new IronsongUprising channel for all your plotting against Sreng and his despotic regime.

Better than you have tried, Texas.
Note he does not dispute the despotism.