The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: The Fall of Hodir
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((Initial posting, I realize that the rhyme scheme is off in the verse about myself. Apologize if its a bit clunky, I don't do much poetry and this was a bit of an undertaking. Thanks to all my 10 man players.))

The ten strong, had heard the tales
of Hodir's fall to Loken the deciever,
and entered the hall of frost and chill
hoping to unshackle the noble giant leader.

In charged Donalzon with a shout,
to lay the stray giant about.
The others moved in to shatter the prisons.
Everytime Hodir turned to the party's dismay
Donalzon pushed harder threatening the giant's play.

The winds did blow, cold from the North,
shards of ice fell covering the floor with scree.
Around they danced through chill and ice both,
their will that the giant lord be free.

Ankoo did not feel the chill at all,
her slavery to the lich king had been far worse.
The mage's ice prison was strong.
Powered by rage he blows fell
and the ice shattered right to the source.

Stalkinghoof helped Hodir find his way before
and had come to help his friends through.
So many he lifts when their need calls.
His arrows flew and found their way true,
every hit brightening Hodir's resolve.

Quauf was fresh and newly pressed to service.
He saw the conviction of his new found friends.
He knew the need, and became a conduit of the divine.
Repeatedly he pulled them away from the precipice
and as the injuries happened Quauf saw them mend.

The winds did blow, cold from the North,
shards of ice fell covering the floor with scree.
Around they danced through chill and ice both,
their will that the giant lord be free!

Nganga had danced this war bout before,
under around and through as if no obstacles in his path,
claws and jaws through the ice and the armor.
He shattered the frozen mace with his mighty roar,
and the cold stare faltered of the massive goliath.

Greed was as his name implies
and Hodir's weapons of power were well known,
to take home such a magnificent token of war,
would make him the focus of all eyes.
He went to his work with runes and death magic swirling.

Orenthas once dwelled in the shadow,
but through the tribe saw his way clear.
His new talents warded others from harm.
The true fight with Yogg-Saron on the morrow,
distracted not his mind from the protection of his friends dear.

The winds did blow, cold from the North,
shards of ice fell covering the floor with scree.
Around they danced through chill and ice both,
their will that the giant lord be FREE!

Icy death exploded forth at them, but Reliance flashed through,
hurling arcane blasts at Hodir's flank.
Reliance's schooling was in battle as well as theory.
Getting on into the depth of Ulduar was a challenge he knew,
but Hodir on this evening was a ship as it sank.

Vercetti saw the fatigue strike the others,
the fight had waged on unabated.
He renewed his effort, finely crafted arrows flew out.
His war cat drew from the feeling, for they were brothers
and pounced again, his will to fight unabated.

Mercini saw the others through many injuries grievous,
but then the ceiling above Stalkinhoof dropped to her dismay.
This one she was sure he would not survive.
She quickly charged into action most courageous
and from the fray Stalkinghoof flew safe away.

The winds did blow, cold from the North,
shards of ice fell covering the floor with scree.
Around they danced through chill and ice both,
The giant lord is FREE!

And the giant halted in mid-stride, his icy blows did stop.
And tears formed as his heart thawed his eyes.
He cleared the rubble from Mercini's body and to his knees dropped,
"I lost myself again, but none shall need say goodbyes"
And with his icy breath the blue sparkled back into Mercini's eyes.
*applauds* Well done!


*claps* Woo!