The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Denver Area
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Hi All!

I know a few of the guildies are in the Denver area, and it looks like I may be moving there for work!  I was wondering if anyone knew of good places to live (or bad areas to avoid) in the Denver area.  Anyone know of someone needing a roommate?  lol

Any info is appreciated!  Thanks!
i'd say some of it will depend on the obvious: budget and where your job is actually located. Commuting across the metro area generally sucks (I go West to East from Lakewood to Aurora and leave my house at 5 am to beat traffic). It's doable, and it's not as bad overall as traffic in other cities like D.C., Portland and most of Southern California, but it still sucks

Also as someone who works in the crime lab in Aurora, I'd tend to stay away from it except for a few areas that are ok. Smile

Xott, Zara, Tary and Morthoseth know more about the northern burbs than I do.
Well, I would work at the airport, soooo........

Aurora is bad, huh?
Well, I'd say Aurora does have a lot of crime.  However, I know many of my coworkers live in the city so when I get back to work I can ask about the better places to live in the aurora area.  Definitely some no-go spots there though.  Confused

There are some communities on the plains to the east a bit that people also commute from but some of those are pretty rural. Which may or may not be your thing.
I hear that over by Northfield isn't so bad.. Off Quebec st etc..