The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Ironsong Tribe Full Membership Form
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Please start a thread in the "Prospective Peon" forum with your character's name in the title. Then please answer the following questions:

I. Your character

Please fill this this section out in detail, and in character. Thank you!

1. State your name.
2. List your race and class, be it Undead Mage, Orc Hunter etc.
3. Please introduce yourself to us, with as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time. Possible topics to touch on: What are your goals or desires? What is your greatest success? Your greatest failure?
4. Please tell us one or more notable things about you that we can use to start conversations with you (for example: a pet, a physical characteristic, a mannerism, something you carry with you).
5. Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

II. Yourself

Please fill this section out as yourself. Thank you!

1. What guilds were you in before this one, if any? How long were you a member? Why are you no longer with them?
2. What are you looking for from Ironsong?
3. How long have you played Warcraft?
4. If you have a preference, when do you tend to play?
5. If you have anything you would like to add to tell us more about yourself, do so here.