The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Maurth's Application
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Greetings Ironsong, I have come to you to put an end to my isolation, the desolate wastelands which the drifters wander are no place for me, So I come to you, to propose my service to you. I have achieved Blood Guard once before, and I am holding Stone Guard currently. I am a Warrior that lives by the word of the sword. I have a few friends currently in Ironsong, But none I have asked as of yet to stand on my behalf. I am an engineer and miner, but I am sad to say the hands that are skilled with the sword are not as skilled with tinkering and taking precious stones from the earth. I have a long lineage in which I went down in terms of guilds, I started with Blades of the Horde, which split up and into The Stygian Legion, which further split up into Vigilant, from which I was exiled. I have had many times were The Ironsong Tribe has come to my aid, Through every instance I have traversed through with your members, We left no rock un-turned, no creature un-maimed. The greatest trial in my point of view is my split up with Vigilant, It is a long story, and I'm sure none of you have the ears for it... But the fact that I had hurt my friends so deeply that they could simply forget all the good times we had, and exile me... It took its toll, and its toll was large. My greatest goal is to live,breathe, and ultimately die in a full suit of wrath. This is not a goal of greed, rather a goal for the ultimate destruction of the alliance. I seek out these pieices, not for myself, but for the eradication of alliance. Also, conviently enough my favorite activity is looking for these pieces in the ravenous caverns of Molten Core and Blackwing Lair. Finally, Yes, I have read the Code of Conduct
If my word means anything at all, Maurth is a good person. He speaks well, and is loyal to his cause. A faithful companion, he is. Though I may not be an Ironsinger, I shall sponsor him in all the way.

I think it is important that I mention that at the moment Ironsong does not raid Molten Core, or Blackwing Lair as a tribe. Although many of our members do run those instances with other guilds.
akora Wrote:Maruth,

I think it is important that I mention that at the moment Ironsong does not raid Molten Core, or Blackwing Lair as a tribe. Although many of our members do run those instances with other guilds.
That's fine, I did not mean to mention I expected to raid Molten Core with you, Also, I forgot to tell you about another friend, Fallenknight who is part of your ranks. He is a good friend.