The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Aid to the enchanters.
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Ok, after quite a bit of thought I have decided mining is not the right profession for me, nor would be skinning or herbalism. After forgetting all my knowledge on the art of mining I decided to now take Enchanting as my new profession. Now I did not take this for any gain to myself, I will probably not be enchanting others equipment anytime soon. But I took it because I thought it would allow me to give something back to the Tribe ((Engineering is kinda a self-profession, makes me sad.)) and so any items I find that I don't need, and the Tribe vertifies it doesn't want for use as an item will get dissenchanted, if its a shard I shall send it to an enchanter, or I may hold on to them and give them upon request. Either way I will not be using these items, just holding them for enchanters. And dust I will also store along with the essences I find. So if you are and enchanter and ever need some materials, ask me if I have any in stock ((Probabaly do, Have Astral, Nether, Magic, all sorts of stuff.))
and then I will send it to you as soon as possible, or if I am nearby probabaly run over and deliver it personally. To make things a little easier for me, who are the guild enchanters?
Saltin, Kernasas, Vanea... we have a number of good enchanters. Eveline is well known for it but I handle her enchanting materials for her and can't carry any more at this time. See the thread stickied about who has what enchantments, that might help you.

Thanks for the generosity!


I'm a 300 enchantress as well Big Grin
Ok my enchanting materials as of right now. ((For essences I am quite lazy and Math just annoys me so I left them as they were.))

Strange Dust / 23
Vision Dust / 35
Soul Dust / 29
Dream Dust / 4

6 Greater Astral
15 Greater Magical, 5 lesser
2 lesser Nether
20 Greater Mystic, 5 Lesser

As of right now I have sent them all off, expect more soon!

Naruth is also a 300 enchanter.
Waltimus is a 300 enchanter as well.

I've banked a significant number of things also.
Let me know if you need, I may have it in the bank.
