The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: A question for Kretol
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I can't seem to find the *.lua file for any of my characters to upload as a profile on this site. I have checked the path that pops up when you mouse over the upload button...and there's nothing there that matches it. Is there a specific program that I need? The only program I have that notes what skills my character has, what equipment, etc is WoW Reader from Alla's.
Did you download the CharacterProfiler mod via the link from the "New Roster" post, or from the link at the bottom of the roster itself?


Works like a champ, thanks. Now, how do I use the sig/avatar?
"Works like a champ"

Lucky. I still can't seem to get this program to work. Character Profiler is in game, but it doesn't seem to save things out of the game. Even when I force an export. I don't know, maybe it does, but when I go to upload the info the site doesn't even recognize it. And don't even think about Uniuploader... That crashes as soon as it starts. I'm certain there are some tips to going beyond this, feel free to fill me in.
Haida Wrote:Lucky. I still can't seem to get this program to work. Character Profiler is in game, but it doesn't seem to save things out of the game. Even when I force an export. I don't know, maybe it does, but when I go to upload the info the site doesn't even recognize it. And don't even think about Uniuploader... That crashes as soon as it starts. I'm certain there are some tips to going beyond this, feel free to fill me in.

Have you gone to the Microsoft Update site to acquire any updates for the .NET framework?