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....something that will kill things even slower than Fleethoof does!

Scroll down for the blue response.
Here's the official Blizz site explaining the change:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... combo.html</a><!-- m -->

All I have to say is ZOMG! While it's awesome, it also sucks. I've spent a LOT of time levelling up a paladin to 60, and in doing so had to isolate myself not only from the tribe, but from all of my friends who are still playing Horde. I've justified it by saying, "Hey, I love playing a paladin!" But now? <i>NOW</i> Horde get pallies?

*runs off to a corner to cry*
Yay for space paladins also being space shamans!


wait a minute. *boggles*

Also, check <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... id=6154421</a><!-- m --> for the GameSpot article of it.
Kretol Wrote:Yay for space paladins also being space shamans!


wait a minute. *boggles*

Yeah, a lot of people are pulling the, "OH EM GEE, whay 2 ruin teh lorez lol!" which was ruined a while ago. This change actually re-establishes a lot of the lore that we had all thought Blizzard had tossed out the window.

Primarily, Draenei Shaman. During the "who's the new Alliance race?" discussions, lore pundits dismissed Draenei as a possibility since they have <i>always</i> been written as a shamanistic race. Since Alliance can't be shaman, it was rationalized that there's no way Draenei can be the new race. When Draenei were officially confirmed, immediately speculation of Draenei shaman began to circulate, but nothing was confirmed. Now we have confirmation.

As for BE paladin? Well, the lore they wrote for it is iffy, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility. Realistically, any race that has harnessed the power of the Light should be able to be paladin. Trolls, Forsaken, and Blood Elves can be priests, so realistically they should also be paladin and in the same way that Night Elves should be allowed to be shaman since they have harnessed the elements of nature. Plus, Forsaken paladin would be AWESOME.


Quote: ... Forsaken paladin ...
I think my brain just broke.

That aside, I really don't know how to react to this. Just... wow.
Ah, you beat me to it Fleet! :Confusedhakes frozen fist: As a mage, I do not look forward to fighting against shamans. That was one of the big perks playing horde.
While my brain is still boggleing over this..
...I cant wait for paladins to join us in raiding. *Loves over their Salvation*
(( Joy, we can have an even harder time completing our gear sets, because Paladin drops will diffuse the loot tables! ))
See above.

Eveline Wrote:(( Joy, we can have an even harder time completing our gear sets, because Paladin drops will diffuse the loot tables! ))

Not as much as you suspect, I think. I mean, yeah in MC and BWL sure, and the blue sets. However, ZG, AQ20, AQ40, and Naxxramas all have quest systems where each quest item can be used by several different classes and future raids in Burning Crusade are going to do the same thing. Paladins could potentially take raid slots, and there will be other itemization beyond sets, but Blizzard already considered the way set drops worked in MC and BWL to be flawed for 8 classes and are doing it differently now in the latest instances.

I don't disagree in terms of "early" sets and some alternative itemization, raid slots and small group content, but this isn't as big a problem as some are suspecting. We won't be primarily in MC when Burning Crusade comes out, most likely, and the endgame guilds will be able to gear new Paladins and Shaman up with the quest-based raid instances instead of MC/BWL farming.

Lore-wise, there's no reason that a BE paladin can't play it straight. The lore is a bit convoluted from an Occam's razor perspective - Quel'dorei already followed the Light, so I don't see why they couldn't have some "normal" paladins. Certainly I'd be more likely to play one that way even if I just RPed it against the naaru-enslavement lore. I'm not really into race/class combo restrictions in my RP, nor am I a "lore uber alles" kinda player much as I enjoy setting fiction, so I don't have big problems with this stuff.

Annoying at times that aspects of gaming I have enjoyed since it was much more a fringe activity are now so popular that I risk being crticized by my fellow gamers now for liking/playing them. Not you guys, really, but just in general keeping with the "omg more elves, omg paladins, omg omg" sentiment everyone has. Not that I don't joke about it too - Kosath and Eve and I used to joke that if Elves could be Paladins that's all we'd see in game. Well... : )

(( It's true, Tae... Our long awaited prediction is coming true.

Blood Elf Paladins.

NElf Rogues are so passe now! Drizznatch and Zaknarfein will have to re-roll. ))
Zaknarfein isn't even a hunter? That's just sad. : )


This changes my vow. I will no longer be making a Blood Elf Warrior. Sorry, but it's going to be a Paladin.


Because I've been playing one since Day 1. I know the class even better than I do Druids. The Tribe has enough Warriors. Now I can go back to my original profession. The martyr.)
I may make a BE paladin myself, though I'll see how much I actually enjoy it. My original paladin was abandoned at level 16 because... well, frankly, I just found her dull to play.
I'll just miss all our shamans who only rolled Horde to be a shaman and can now return to Alliance where they really wanted to be all along.



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