The Ironsong Tribe

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My name is Garlogg Deadeye. I am son to Krilogg Deadeye, leader of the Bleeding Hollow Clan. I once held the title of Wolf Rider before The Doomhammer disbanded them and took up arms as a loyal grunt of the Bleeding Hollow clan. It has been a long time since that occured and after being in the internment camps, not all of my memory is what it was. I will pass along any stories I can recall though of my time in Draenor and even in the human lands of Azeroth.

After the second war and the interment camps were set up by the humans of Lordaeron I was captured by Lordaeron warriors and nearly beaten to death. I had expected death then but survived. I know I was guided by my grandfather even though the lethargy that had settled on myself and every other orc sapped whatever strength and belief we had. Then months after recovering the orc Thrall came. Infiltrating our camp and rousing us, I remember that day well and always will. Even though that was the day when The Doomhammer fell... fighting a dozen soldiers on horse back, I attempted to reach him to assist but was caught against other footman of lordaeron. I deeply regret I could not do more...

I recall travelling with the combined forces of the Warsong and the Frostwolf clans during the rest of the destruction of the internment camps. After that we set sail for Kalimdor. I remember not being to trusting of this prophet Thrall spoke of but I fully supported our Warchief. Then shortly after landing in Kalimdor we were thrust into the war with the Burning Legion. Glorious battle awaited the horde, at a heavy cost. But Archimonde was defeated and we travelled to the new orc home of Durotar! After assisting in the building of our city, I left to take up the ways of the hunter. I vow not to return to Orgrimmar untill I am worthy of being able to serve the horde as a hunter.

Then during my arrival at the Valley of Trials I heard tell of this tribe, and the gatherings they have from the Tauren Kriistle and Orc Mendaen. I am intrigued by these gatherings as they sound much like the ones from the Orc traditions. Should I be granted the honor of travelling with this tribe, I will honor any traditions the tribe has, as well as share that of the Bleeding Hollow. I vow both my Axe and Bow and my life will be at the disposal of the Ironsong.

((Questions 8, 9, and 10 to me feel something that I need to answer out of character. My goals are to help any guild I am associated with and to have fun in game and to ensure that I can help others also in that goal. We are playing a game in a series that is so lore-immensed, as being nicknamed Lore Master of my guild on Durotan, I know greatly the potentional for roleplay in game. What I enjoy most of my adventures is just seeing the world I have loved for years so close. Also I have read the code of conduct and as always will abide by the rules.))