The Ironsong Tribe

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Many seasons ago, many months ago, Wakaraina was drawn to the Ironsong Tribe. For those who may have forgotten the story, she came following a dream. She had just begun her Shamanic training.

In this dream, she travelled to the Fire Ridge in Un'Goro Crater, and the spirits made her into a form unrecognized by those of the tribe, a night elf. There on the ridge she was forced to fight an entity called Blazerunner. It's entirely possible she could have died, but there's no knowing with dreams. Three unexpected rescuers came from the lower slopes: Eveline, Malenga, and Kernasas. Though they could not even say a mutually intelligible word, they rescued Wakaraina. Shortly thereafter, she woke up, back in Bloodhoof Village. She was left with only the memory of the dream, an image of the tabard of the Tribe, and an urge to go to the plains west of Thunder Bluff. Her mission was to join the tribe at the moot she found there, and then work to unite the Horde and the Alliance.

Many seasons have passed since that quest to join the tribe, and it's been hard on Wakaraina. In the jungles of Stranglethorn, the heat and humidity most cows are so unused to, so far from home, it's easy to forget why she went there in the first place. Instead of finding the trolls of Yojamba Isle, the human encampment in the north, or the goblins in the south, she found only wilderness. Where survival is hard, and the more barbaric trolls wander most of the land, she forget her purpose. It slipped the more time she spent on the Eastern Continents.

Two weeks ago, Wakaraina went to the Un'Goro crater for the first time. She recognized the environs, and remembered first hearing the Ironsong there. She helped a small, gnome-like creature named Linken, without knowing where it would lead her. Finally, he lent her his sword, and asked her to travel to Fire Plume Ridge to kill the newly reborn Blazerunner. She could not do it alone.

She gathered two more companions, Triska and Dispaya, and they ascended the slope together. Fighting the elementals there was not easy, and they happened upon an elf lying in the path on the way. Wakaraina knew what she had to do, and called upon her accumulated Shamanic knowledge to heal her. In a reenactment of that fateful dream, the four of them defeated Blazerunner, and the gnome Linken gave them thanks.

On the top of that mountain, fighting with an elf, a troll, and a Forsaken, for a gnome, Wakaraina regained what she had lost. She declared a redidcation to her principles, and that one day, this bloodshed across the land of Kalimdor would cease. Next, she embarks on a pilgrimage to find Rexxar and Misha, to seek their aid, and see what can be done to bring peace to the land.