The Ironsong Tribe

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M' name is Goji. I like ta t'ink o' m'self as a deputy of da Cross Roads and was once a
Legionnaire in the ranks of da horde. I learned how ta hide in da shadows when I was a wee troll living in da snowy hills of Winterspring. I was too young to 'memba da journey up der but come ta learn dat m' tribe was pot o'da' Frostmane Tribe and m' fam'ly left from da pressin'attacks from Dun Morogh. We found no peace i'da Wintersprings eeda and I as a young troll was always hidden to safety. Afta a large attack from some ruthless dwarfs I found m'self hiding and alone. From den on I learned to stay in da shadows and fend for m'self. Over time I grew friendly widda Timbermaw. Dey tol' me about many eebil tribes and one dat sounded promising. Da Darkspear Tribe and a troll by da name of Zulazane. So da Timbermaw taw' me how ta skin and ta use it t'make clo'ding dat will protect me. Afta a long journey hidin' inda shadows to da Echo islands i found m'way to da CrossRoads. Der i met anuda troll who nearly raised me. 'iz name was Ma'jin SwiftMace. He tol' me about Zalazane an'iz eebil ways and persuaded me to never join 'iz tribe. He taw' me da importance of first aid and how ta weild a mace. CrossRoads became m'new home as attacks sprung up ev'ry now an'den we would defend to village as bez we could. 'iz death came one day durin' an attack and was slain by a dwarf. From den on i took da surname of Swiftmace in honor of 'im and swore ta protect da Cross Roads. Diz led to my deepa hatred to da dwarfs as well. I joined side by side wid da Sheriff of da Cross Roads as a deputy of da Crossing Guards an' now I fight wid his daughta Dezna as well.

Ma'jin was a mace crafter an' was always talkin' about makin' da strongest mace dat was as light as a feda. He also spoke about powerful maces dat were weilded by da most powerful creatures in Azeroth dat would take a team of horde to enter wid. I learned about a a guild called Hax that had da ability ta venturing far into da dungeons so I took da chance to join wid'em. Durin' dis time Dezna had talked about a worthy tribe dat shared da same passion o'defendin' da CrossRoads. I knew of da Ironsong he talked about an' have fought side by side in many battles with Kretol and his tribe.

One of m' greatest acheivements, aldo' not proud of da reason, was becoming a legionnaire widin da ranks of da horde. Dis was led on by da death of Ma'jin. I was so furious dat I joined battle after battle in hopes ta find da dwarf dat slain him. Afta' months of Keelin' wid'out emotion I grew tired and t'awt dat dis wasn't da answer. An' dat maybe he will return to da Crossroads and dat I might find 'im der. M'anger went without reward and acquired new armor dat would furder help me aginz' the continuin' attacks of da Crossroads. But da ragin' battle left me widda scare dat will hopefully heal in time. Tru' all da battle cries an' screamin death I was left with damaged hearin'. Livin' in da shadows and da quiet nights all m'life 'as made ma ears sensitive an' I guess dey weren't prepared for da many months of ragin' shouts. Unless I juz got hit too hard in da heed.

M' rage has subdued a bit an' I have come back to protectin' da Crossroads and since
blacksmtidin' isn't somet'ing i like ta do one of ma goals is to search for a mace dat will
make my teacha proud as well an' always protect da Crossroads.

I enjoy da travels across da world and joinin' up wid tribe members to venture into da
dungeons and protect when needed.

I have read tru'da rules and say no problem mon.