The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Lottery: Week of 9/18 - 9/24
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1 - 3: Selerinus
4 - 6: Kretol
7 - 9: Zuipol
10 - 12: Cage
13 - 15: Mahiah
16 - 18: Dokcha
19: Dispaya
20 - 22: Gholjan
23 - 25: Nicorah
26: Kosath
27: Jadyn
28 - 30: Daichallar
31 - 33: Sreng
34: Apashoryu
35 - 37: Merrina
38 - 40: Voran
41 - 43: Saltin
44 - 46: Shillatae
47 - 49: Lucrey
50 - 52: Logros
53 - 55: Thurga
56 , 57: Ulfric
58: Goji
59: Demonrose
The winning ticket number this week was 24. Congrats to Nicorah, who won the pot of 59 gold!