The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Test Realm
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Pages: 1 2
Zuipol Wrote:I'm on the PvE server for both. =\

Doh. Oh well, next cycle we'll coordinate.
Aye, coordination would be great. Still not planning on making any alliance though. But I'd be happy to kill a few. :twisted:

Oh, and as it turns out, both my premades were placed on the RP-PVP server. So you can find Bjorn there as well as Zephyr.

Is there any way that you can speicifically choose to go to one server or another? Not like I don't have multiple accounts to draw from. Wink
So far as I know its totaly random. Last couple of phases I had one character on each, but this time they both ended up on the RP-PVP server. Not sure why that is.

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