The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Warcraft III Frozen Throne Battle Net!!!
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Hello all! Nice long title for this topic, eh? The reason I have posted this is because, I currently dont have WoW on my computer and am having my brother, an old member of Ironsong, send it out to me. In the mean time I will be on US East. My account name is Pawan1. If anyone has Frozen Throne and would be interested in having a little play time with me, I would indeed welcome it! Especially those friends from my beloved tribe! This is an invitation to whomever plays to play along with myself and maybe other Tribe mates on WC3X. Maybe we can start a clan called the Ironsong Tribe, haha. Anywho... I am on very early for you all... Silver Hand server times, I am on from 2AM - 11AM PST. I know those are early/late hours, but those are my hours due to the fact that I am in London, England... Well hope to hear from ya'll lovers of Warcraft soon! :twisted: