The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Heari'taj Bloodscalp
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(( Now that Heari is (un)officially part of the tribe, I'll toss this up here. Yes, he's one of my alts and I don't actually need an application for him, but I had the idea to do this in a different style, it was so fun to do! Ignore this as needed, I'm just stretching my writing fingers. ))

Heari sits a few feet away from the questioner, scowling fiercely and taking in the room with an air of suspicion. His clothing looks handmade, and is adorned with skulls, feathers, and small wooden masks. His teal face is barred with yellow and white war paint, and he sports a bright red mohawk. One of his large tusks is pierced near the end, and he carries a beasts’ tooth as a dagger in one hand. In contrast to all of this, he wears a pair of orange goggles pushed up onto his forehead and holds an unlit stick of dynamite in his left hand.

The questioner begins. “State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise.â€


Efluvia snorts derisively. "Why would Sreng be as stupid as to accept an enemy to the Horde into his Tribe? We all know that the Bloodscalps serve Hakkar and Hakkar is another in a long line of enemies to be dashed to pieces."

"Since this foolish worm has come out into the open he will be made short work of and then we'll have our fill of mojo squeezings, teeth, necklaces, shruken heads or whatever quest you are working on."

"And ... should this whelp be accepted to the Tribe we will know for certain where Sreng's loyalties truly lie. A 'reformed' Hakkari is one thing, an obviously brain-meat damaged, blood god worshipping maggot is another..."


(( *hearts Efluvia* ))