The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Lottery: Week of 10/16 - 10/22
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1 - 3: Kretol
4 - 6: Kolem
7 - 9: Dokcha
10 - 12: Sound
13 - 15: Knat
16 - 18: Sharxxul
19 - 21: Dannae
22 - 23: Kernasas
24 - 26: Miwoh
27 - 29: Mahiah
30: Chiokai
31 - 33: Jadyn
34 - 36: Menka
37 - 38: Tybirius

+10g from the Saturday AQ raid
Knat held the winning ticket number of 15. Congratulations on the pot of 48 gold! (For some reason I had originally put Neat down)