The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Freeshia
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1) State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise.
I am Grunt Freeshia, a blood noble servant of the Tauren race.

2) List your vocation, be it Mage, Hunter, or any other.
I am a hunter, like my father before me. I seek to master the melodious balance between animals and nature. I am blessed with an uncanny intuition that can gently tame some of the most ferocious animals throughout Azeroth. My devoted pets are my family. We communicate through an unwritten / unspoken language. They anticipate my move before I make a step. They know my thought before I think it. They know my wish before I can imagine what it would be. They have been my constant companions through many quests and journeys.

3) Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.
After my parents disappeared I was forced to fend for myself in the deep wilds of Azeroth. The only relations I can identify are my faithful kodo mount Karduk and Baladesh my pet protector. They have been with me as long as I can remember. Without their protection and companionship, I could not have endured my fate. Traveling around the various lands has only deepened our friendship and sharpened our survival instincts… paying close attention to all the energy forces and factions that encompass Azeroth.

4) Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.

I became a natural skinner mastering the blade at an early age. This led me to learn leatherworking. Because of my innate talent and skillful technique, I was sent to show my ability to Thorkaf Dragoneye in the Badlands. Impressed with my work, he taught me the unique ways of creating masterful armor working with the exclusive dragonscales. I was an attentive student knowing that this would become my only revenue source to support my travels. I learned that I am able to create my best pieces around the crackling campfire at sunset. The ambiance gives me a sense of natural harmony with existence, allowing my hands to sing.

5) What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?

I have been alone in my journey, although, I have met many along the way. We have helped each other quest, shared ventures and battles. However, as with the twilight, the time would come to an end. The whispering wind would once again beckon me onward seeking my destiny, my family and the place where I truly belong.

6) Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.

It was on such a twilight night that the wind bellowed out my cry to move forward. The swift current carried my request far and wide. On the next breeze came a reply. A courageous spirit named Coranda spoke of such a Tribal family unlike anything I had known before. I was rooted and desired to know more. I searched and discovered an honorable guild did exist, one born of great activities, reputation and kindred spirit. From that moment, I have polished my armor and told Karduk and Baladesh to be on their best behavior as I set forth to make our humble introduction.

7) What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?

I believe my greatest trial is yet to come … I picture a day that I will be faced with the utmost challenge. I know that I will have to pull from all my experiences, rely on my strength of character and dig into the very depths of my soul in order to endure the test placed before me. When that moment comes, I know I shall be ready.

8) What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?

My goal is to deliver the documents needed to the Tauren High Counsel to have a horrifying record removed from the Tomes to clear my family’s honor.
Many unspoken theories are scratched in the Tomes, buried in the ninth volume of Tauren History. One horrible theory in Chapter 3 spoke of my father’s capture. During his imprisonment, the Legion's creator and evil leader Sargeras saturated his body with fel energy. This wicked energy would transform any soul, willing or not, into a demonic creature forcing his allegiance to serve the destructive Legion to bring Azeroth to its knees. Written also on the same Tome page, speaks of the wild beast believed to have overtaken my mother that stormy night I was born… claiming that this vicious creature was my father.
However, I refuse to believe this theory and have set out to discover answers.

9) What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?
Traveling through the various lands, sailing over the waters, and soaring with the wind high above reminds me of the free and indomitable spirit I am known for.

10) Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

I have read and pledge to honor the Tribal Code to the best of my ability.


I have indeed met this one! She seemed so nice. *grins*

I'm glad you found your way here! I can't wait to see you at a Moot!

(I saw her request in the guild recruitment channel while bouncing around on one of my little ones and told her about the Tribe. It's hard enough to get people to respond when you want something simple, let alone a guild that's mature, roleplaying, and strong enough to take on challenges at the end of the game. And I was pleasantly rewarded!

So welcome, Freeshia. I do hope to see you at a Moot, though until my work schedule changes, that's fairly unlikely. Even if I can't make it, though, I'm sure you'll have a blast. *smiles*

-SWC Cora)