The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Cairageri - 60 warrior
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1) I am called Cairageri, most call me by my nickname Cair, because i do not
2) I have been called berserker by many (warrior)
3) ((not sure if yer asking about myself myself, or my char so ill answer both)) Personall im 18 i love to raid and i like making sure people are enjoying themselves// I grew up in ze alterac mountains and i had a very tough life as a farmboy. When ze plague came i was ze first to die in my family, only to later be enslaved by My Lord Redeemer. (arthas)
4) i have perfected mining, bandaging and im saving one profession because i hear zat ze Dranaei will teach ze art of jewelcrafting
5) none (server transfer)
6) Im looking for a raiding guild, and if you guys RP primarily thats even better
7) (( in RL i just overcame lung cancer woot!)) I recently beheaded nefarion ze black.
8) Personally i would like to enter into ze destroyed world of outland and test my hunting skills against demons
9) beheading ze alliance
10) yes i have read the code of conduct[/code]
Big thanks for makin' yer mark here on de Totems! Folk gonna be wantin' t'know more 'bout yerself ah'm willin' t'bet. Mebbe ya got more t'be sharin' wit us, yah?

((Thanks for posting! As noted in the thread <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> the app is to be as IC as possible. Also check out some of the sample application there for an idea of what sort of content we are looking for - as Sreng says in the first post there yours doesn't have to look like theirs, but we do want to see a bit of your style. I enjoyed talking with you yesterday and hope you can elaborate a bit on your RP story for Cair. While we do run some raids, we are by and large and RP-focused Tribe in our planning and decisionmaking so keep that in mind. I think you are aware of this just focus on it as you refine your application and add to it.

Thanks again!
Witch Doctor of the Ironsong))