The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: ATTENTION: Raiding Update for The Burning Crusade
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Greetings, Tribe!

There have been many questions and lots of speculation about what the Tribe's plans will be in the expansion. The Farseers, Blademasters and Advisors have been working on this with me for some time now so that we can plot a course for the Tribe that will result in the most fun for everyone and meet the needs of as many of our members as possible. Suggestions and comments from many Tribemates have been taken into account in this process and I would like to share our decisions with you now, as we get very close to the release date of the Burning Crusade and the reopening of the Dark Portal!

First: All current Ironsong Officer-led raids will be cancelled and put on an indefinite hiatus starting Tuesday 1/16/07. We'll all be eager to spend time on new characters and in new zones so we're going to make sure we all have plenty of time to do that without commitments or obligations to ongoing raids several nights a week. Monday night, 1/15/07, will be the last Zul'Gurub raid and 1/11 and 1/13 will be our final MC runs.

Note: Given sufficient interest, we fully intend to return to the zones in the existing world that Ironsong has never fully explored. For Ironsong, raiding has one of the means by which we experience content together as a Tribe and if enough people prove willing in the future we will revisit BWL and also AQ40 and Naxxramas so that we can explore them as well.

Second: Friday night MC, which originated as "Ironsong night" over a year and a half ago when the early Tribe started doing UBRS raids together (which, not unlike some of our MC raids, would often start about half full and hope for enough people to take on the big boss at the end!), will be replaced by a new Tribe event. This old/new "Ironsong night" will be a loosely organized venue for Tribemates to gather to work on Outlands quests and new instance content in small groups. Kosath has been working on questing guides for the first zones of Outlands and will be posting those soon as well. I'm excited about getting small groups together with Tribemates and taking on some new challenges as Tae alongside you all and hope you will join us on the other side of the Portal Friday nights.

Note: Our Ironsong raids have traditionally been mostly led by the Officers of the Tribe, individually and collectively. We have a handful of great Raiders and other Ironsong members who have also led successful raids for which we are very grateful. I know that Kolem, Tetsumis, Efluvia, Daichallar are in this category and many others have run great 5-man and outside world groups for any number of younger and newer members. Keep up the good work, Tribe! For Friday Ironsong nights we'll be continuing to encourage leadership and cooperation among the Tribe at large though Officers will always be present for the gatherings.

Third: There is no rush, no pressure to get to 70th. Some will reach it sooner than others, some will be levelling multiple characters through 61-70th, some will start Blood Elves and level 1-70th in time. Just pace yourself, enjoy the new zones and quests, and don't stress over it. Our raids were always just one more way to experience new content together as we worked through most of the other zones and quests of the game - now there will be many, many new zones and quests and instances to explore as we move through the upper levels. It's not a race and no one is keeping score. When enough Ironsong reach 70th and are comfortable with their progress through the solo and small group content at 70th, we'll get ready to do some raiding again. While the new raid zones will be 10 and 25-person instead of up to 40 remember that it will take a lot more than 25 people reaching 70th to make a raid work over time. Ironsong has been as successful as we have in all areas because we have taken our time and done everything we've done with careful planning.

Note: While we do as noted earlier intend to revisit the existing raid zones, when the time comes for us to start raids up again at 70th we will be primarily focusing on the new raids being added at 70th level in the Burning Crusade. Returning to BWL and such will be a fun activity for those interested in exploring those zones but will not be a major raid leading to farming of those instances for loot. For those who are not aware raided 60+ epics will not be required for anything in Burning Crusade and in many cases will be gradually replaced with new items from solo and 5-man content being added in the expansion.

So to briefly recap:
1. We'll be putting Ironsong raiding on hiatus until the time seems most right to start it up anew,
2. Starting up a new Friday night Ironsong activity for experiencing new content,
3. And above all taking our time rather than rushing through all the new cool stuff we'll have to play around with in the expansion.

Stop to smell the roses (or whatever Loas-awful things grow out in Outland). Find new weird places for Moots to potentially be held. Learn the new instance bosses. Work on your Blood Elf if you want one. I know I will.

Shillatae / Jason
Witch Doctor of the Ironsong Tribe

PS: Expect a post on some exciting new RP opportunities shortly as well! After all, we're certainly not all about raiding by any stretch of the imagination!