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I need help with recipes!

I've sadly reached a point again with the cooking trainers and alchemy trainers.. They can no longer train me anything new : (. I've concluded the rest of what I am able to learn will be through mostly rep/"discovering" (mainly alchemy recipes for that) and limited vendor supply recipes (that which I figure will be mostly cooking recipes, although I could be wrong on that). I've been talking to all the vendors I can in Hellfire and Zangramarsh in search.. and really, it's a pain! Terrokar Forrest is next up..

Anyways, to my point! For those like me who are in search of recipes/patterns (cooking, professions, whatever) over in the Outlands and have found some that are buy-able (non rep related), could you possibly post in here about 'em? I'm quite sure I've missed many. Maybe even give us the vendor you found something from and where it was located? It would be GREATLY appreciated on my half and I assume many others. I've tried to find a collective list online that will somehow help me with this and haven't had much luck.. So any help you guys could give would be grand. : )

Congratulations on already having come so far with Alchemy, Sound! This is wonderful news. I have also moved past what the Grandmaster Tailors can train me in. I find that the best way to look for new things to learn is using the tailoring counterpart of this Alchemy List. A great deal of the recipes to be discovered are gained through faction with the many organizations found in Outlands. You can easily determine which of the recipes are trained, found, purchased, or faction rewards by mousing over the green text below the orange name of each item. Click for more details.

And here is the Cooking List! Most of these are purchased from vendors, such as Nuala the Butcher in Nagrand.
Another view of the same data can be found at wowhead, which has the additional feature of displaying (for example) only those items that are from a vendor.

This link, for example, shows alchemy recipes from vendors:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=";crs=1;crv=0"> ... rs=1;crv=0</a><!-- m -->
(click the "Level" heading to sort by level)
Thank you for the wonderful links, both of you! I was able to get my hands on the last alchemy potions I can buy until I garner enough rep with the other 398476 factions to get more. : )

I also quickly complied the cooking recipes from both links and stuck them all in one short list (which helped me tremendously).. I'll post it here just in case anyone else would like to see. Anyone is able to pick up cooking so it might help.. And If you're curious what the recipes do/are, check our Eve and Oryx's links.

Cooking Recipes in TBC.. where to get 'em:

Recipe: Ravager Dog
Cookie One-Eye - Hellfire Peninsula: <b>Thrallmar</b>

Recipe: Blackened Trout
Gambarinka - Zangarmarsh: <b>Zabra'jin</b>

Recipe: Feltail Delight
Zurai - Zangramarsh: <b>Swamprat Post</b>

Recipes: Golden Fish Sticks, Spicy Crawdad
Rungor - Terokkar Forest: <b>Stonebreaker Hold</b>

Recipes: Blackened Basilisk, Warp Burger
Innkeeper Grilka - Terokkar Forest: <b>Stonebreaker Hold</b>

Recipes: Blackened Basilisk, Warp Burger
Supply Officer Mills - Terokkar Forrest: <b>Allegrian Stronghold</b>

Recipe: Grilled Mudfish, Poached Bluefish, Roasted Clefthoof, Warp Burger
Nula the Butcher - Nagrand: <b>Garadar</b>

And for those of you looking for the recipes for: Crunchy Serpent, Mok'Nathal Shortribs or Buzzard Bites - they are all obtained through quests.

I'm still a little unsure about these two recipes, though: Clam Bar & Sporeling Snack (Kretol claims one of them is through rep, one isn't.. And I'm having issues distinguising which atm.. I'm also having differing sites tell me I can buy the Clam Bar recipe in Cenarion Refuge.. which hasn't worked out thus far. : ) Tips would be appreciated!
Both the Clam Bars and Sporeling Snacks can be bought from Mycah, the Sporeggar Quarter Master in South Western Zangarmarsh. I dont believe either of them require actualy reputation with them to buy, but you have to at least get up to neutral so you can talk with the vendor. This isnt very hard, just two or three quests. Hope that helps Sound.
Very much so, Ebberk! Thank ya!