The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Changing our focus - New Rules of Engagement
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More April Fools day goodness: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

I keep falling for these things.. curse you, nets!

Aaaaand an ongoing list of all the other craziness running amuck today: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->


Yep...had me until the end. Good one.
Had me going for a while, until someone reminded me of the last line.

If it's not just a hoax, I would so get this, the only trick is the troll tears. *looks for Rajana and Merrina*
Speaking of troll tears...

I fell for this one hook, line, and sinker. I figured Kosath knows what he's doing, he's always been our raid guy, and to be honest, I really didn't read it that closely.

This is what I get for having a short attention span and trusting my friends!

Also, thanks to Fleetie for NOT letting me in on the joke and making a few edits to Kosath's post at my request.

Fleethoof: "Hey sweetie, come read this!"

Sreng: (after a five-second scan) "Well, it doesn't really look like a new Code of Conduct, it's new Rules of Engagement. Can you edit that and make a note of doing so in the Officer Forum?"

Fleethoof: "Heh heh... yes dear."


Sreng Wrote:Sreng: (after a five-second scan) "Well, it doesn't really look like a new Code of Conduct, it's new Rules of Engagement. Can you edit that and make a note of doing so in the Officer Forum?"

Fleethoof: "Heh heh... yes dear."
Bwahaha! <3 Fleet!

I went from "Eh?!" to "Hmm... tightening up? Interesting." to "Who the heck hacked Kosath's account?" to "Riiight... April 1st on the east coast" in quick succession when I read this last night. Good job, guys. ;D
Kosath Wrote:The new content requires dedication and skill, and so Ironsong must become more of a raiding guild if we want to persevere.

You had me until that sentence. Which is the second sentence :wink: This is NOT you! Also, I knew the date <flee>
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