04-10-2007, 11:34 AM
04-10-2007, 12:25 PM
moonfire spam ftw! I hate moonkin druids, but that's just because I never see one who actually knows how to use the moonkin ability intelligently.
04-10-2007, 02:07 PM
I tried it very briefly before going with feral for leveling. I didn't like it. To be fair, though, I had a complete feral gear set sitting in my bank and no spell damage/crit gear to speak of (and no good dpsing weapon), so that might have had a *lot* do with it.
If you have the gold for the respec (and maybe the respec back) I'd suggest at least trying it. Couldn't hurt!
If you have the gold for the respec (and maybe the respec back) I'd suggest at least trying it. Couldn't hurt!
04-10-2007, 03:42 PM
Moonkin, or more aptly named OOMkin are, how to say this to get my meaning across, ...freaking powerful. I have seen them in pvp almost excusively though, where they lay waste to anyone who faces them. I, for one, love em. But I love druids of all spec's, they are one of the best classes imo, although I haven't played one past level 20.
04-16-2007, 08:01 AM
Although a not commonly played variation of the class, oomkins are amazing as an addition to a groups/raids Caster DPS, as well as a bit of a relief of the healers with insect swarm to help reduce the +chance to hit.. .. as far as soloing goes, I'm not so sure. I fully intend on leveling and running my druid balance tree focused with a few points in restoration closer to 60 or 70.... When I finally start to play her.