The Ironsong Tribe

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Edit by Kosath: Jadyn has apologized for his poor choice of words.


Not necessarily, we managed to get Anca, Sreng, and Fleethoof their Second and Third Key Fragments. So we're just about to a full reliable group. Wink
No offense Jadyn, but this was not a failure. To come and label it as such is a put down to all of those who attempted.

Yes, we didn't get into the zone, but that does not mark us as failing. We had our leader with a failing connection and were short people to come. This happens, and I think most of us understand this.

Also, if I remember looking up to the top of the forum..uhm..yes, thats it, Abbru is the teams leader. I think it would be best to let him address the guild, or assign someone to address us, even more so then just coming and posting a simple 'Failure, See you next week'.
I'm sorry for your failure to see the amount of work and effort put forth to build this team, and the efforts made to prepare us for our attempts each week.
I'm sorry for your failure to appreciate what this team has to offer, and how much we've progressed and accomplished this far.
I'm sorry for your failure to comprehend that Life happens, and that sometimes there is nothing we can do about it despite our best efforts.
I'm sorry for your failure to try and have a positive attitude, and that you decided this was all a failure, even half an hour before we called the raid off due to Abbru (Entourage's leader) having unavoidable technical issues.

Personally, I did not find tonight a failure, but a success. Sure, we were not able to make an attempt within the instance. On the other hand, we had almost a complete raid ready to go by start time - the majority of us were ready to go well before start time even. When the raid was finally called, some of us went and helped others to advance their progress on becoming keyed so that they may join us in the future.

I'd like to thank everyone again for being there and ready to go, and for all your efforts in preparing us to go, including efforts to get others keyed up to join us. We've had a bit of a rough start, but the most rewarding journies are those that aren't made on smooth paved roads. Working together to overcome our hurdles can only bring us closer together, and make our victories all the more sweeter.

Here's looking forward to "putting lipstick on this pig" next week! Big Grin

}|{ Priestess Lymoria }|{

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Quote:Here's looking forward to "putting lipstick on this pig" next week!

Just so everyone knows, I saw that nowhere in the job description and I'm already feeling queasy.
Faekiira Wrote:
Quote:Here's looking forward to "putting lipstick on this pig" next week!

Just so everyone knows, I saw that nowhere in the job description and I'm already feeling queasy.

I believe I saw that under the heading entitled: Paladin
I apologize to those who took my words offencivaly. I didnt mean it to be that way i just wanted to state that our attempt at the Karazhan didnt happen.

Once again. I apologize.


Quote:Mahia wrote:
I believe I saw that under the heading entitled: Paladin

Blast, I knew I was getting screwed over when I signed on here. <weeps>
Allow me to weigh in on a few things.....

My apologies for the terminal disconnect friday night - I ISP was all messed up and seems to now be fixed.

1. It has been a long and arduous road to get the Entourage up and running - and we are almost there. I want to thank all who have dedicated the time and commitment to making this happen. I know this has been a VERY frustrating thing at times - but with more folks getting keyed in the near future I am confident that we will be able to field consistent numbers for our efforts.

2. I have always wanted to make sure our group was centric to the tribe....but I am also very grateful to the members of Harsh Winter who have filled in - they have been unsellfish of thier time and a joy to be around. I look forward to the day soon when we can engage Karazhan with an all Tribe effort.

3. I will continue to try and keep things going for this - though my schedule for the next couple of weeks will be a mess until this class is finished. If any have further suggestions/advice/complaints..etc...feel free to drop me a whisper - I encourage dialogue at all levels.


Just want to say on behalf of HW, that IST has always been awesome to hang out with. If we can help in any way, let us know.

There is one thing, however... This Monday (guild night!) a couple of Harshie raid groups will attempt Karazhan for the first time. If HW continues to do this, we might not have as many people who can help out with IST runs... OTOH, maybe those who can make Fridays and Sats aren't the same as those who can make Mondays... I dunno. Just thought I'd say... Since Fridays happen before Mondays in terms of the raid lockouts... I highly encourage you to steal HW members. Smile
(kidnaps Thoguht) Come back here, devil rogue!


He has spoken in our forum and is therefore ours! Find yourself another rogue!