The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Lottery: Week of 6/4 - 6/17
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Pot: 220 gold

1 = Cloudjumper
2 = Skalus
3 - 7 = Mizar
8 = Nicorah
9 - 11 = Kretol (3)
12 - 16 = Vardoth
17 = Sound
18 - 22 = Psion
23 = Merrina
24 = Tetsumis
25 - 26 = Russetdawn
27 = Dirtnapp
28 - 32 = Achai
33 - 34 = Kretol (2)
35 = Sersay
36 = Pochonogales
37 = Alexea
38 - 39 = Serous
40 - 44 = Gholjan
25 gold was refunded to Vardoth due to his departure.

At any rate, the winning ticket number came up to be 2, which was held by Skalus! Congratulations to his winnings of 195 gold!
Hope you all play next week!