I am just wanting to get some feedback on tanking in high end instances.
Right now my stats are below in bear form;
12400 Health
18600 Armor
395 Defence
These stats are all self buffed with MotW.
Just want to find out how much more I need to do well in tanking.
That's better than I pull off. Better by 2k life and 4k armor.
Huzzah! Not tanking Kara!
*does the DPS dance*
Hi Cloudjumper, just thought I'd chime in here with some suggestions.
The first thing you're going to want to do is shoot for 415 defense. You've got your suvivial of the fittests, so not too much farther to go. That 415 will make you uncrittable to melee attack by mobs up to lvl 73. This is good.
I peeked at the armory before starting this, and it looks like you're wearing your dps gear, so i can't see what you normally wear, so i'll just make general suggestions.
Of all the gear I have for tanking, only THREE pieces have been upgrades from Karazhan. Everything else was either crafted, purchases, or a quest reward from shadowmoon or netherstorm.
Most of them, too, are some of the best tanking stuff you'll be able to find in regards to armor value and stamina. You've already got your [item]Manimal's Cinch[/item] and your [item]Umberhowl's Collar[/item], and even the [item]Supple Leather Boots[/item] so this is good. The pieces i suggest looking for if you don't already have them (most likely you have some of them based on the values you quoted in your post):
[item]Braxxis' Staff of Slumber[/item] (purchased)
[item]Heavy Clefthoof Vest[/item]
[item]Heavy Clefthoof Boots[/item]
[item]Heavy Clefthoof Leggings[/item] OR [item]Ash Tempered Legguards[/item]
[item]Verdant Gloves[/item]
There's also a green quest cloak with a decent amount of base armor on it, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is called. However, there is a good crafted one with +def as well that i know some or at least one of our tailor's can make.
Now, granted, these are just suggestions, and you'll combine whatever gear suits you best. All the items mentioned are awesome for their stamina and armor values, as well as the +def to the clefthoof gear. The 415 defense rating is the first thing to shoot for, i think, when mixing and matchiing what gear you want or have.
That's pretty much it, really. Every other gear slot that is open is pretty much open to personal preference.
Self buffed I sit at just shy of 14,000 hps self-buffed, 25,000 armor, and 423 defense (too high in my opinion, and am working on being able to switch something out to bring the value down a bit in favor of more stamina, although that extra +def does raise dodge rating slightly) Again, only three items from Karazhan.
If any of this helps, good! Grey's armory link is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#character-sheet.xml?r=Silver+Hand&n=Greyfith">http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#char ... n=Greyfith</a><!-- m --> if you want to see what he's wearing when he's tanking (i pretty much always log with this on).
If you need more pieces of clefthoof I've got 17 clefthoof in the bank you can have and then hit up Krell cause he's been very helpful to me in the past.
Thanks for the infos, if I remember I will try and logout tonight in tank gear.
I do currently have a full set of Heavy Clefthoof armor, with nice def/sta gems in it.
I will see if I can track down a cloak and those gloves, I hear the cloak the first boss in Mechanar drops is very nice for tanking.
If you need DPS on your back, I'm on most nights and more than happy to come along.
Oooh ooh! Mellith has that green +armor +def cloak... I'll give the name as soon as I get a chance