The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Serpent Shrine Cavern
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Now that we have dropped Gruul and have made a test swipe at Mags....any logic in trying to work the first two bosses in SSC?

Not until we down Magtheridon.


From what I'm told, Mag's a harder fight than the first boss or two in Tempest Keep and Serpent Shrine.


That is what I have heard as well. Am up for a try Bru. Talk to you laters about it if we can.
Likewise, from what I've heard and read, Void Reaver is easier than Mags.

I'm up for any of them, if I can make it Smile


The coordination you learn from Magtheridon helps alot more in other fights. Plus Magtheridon drops 5 pieces of loot.
Lupus Wrote:From what I'm told, Mag's a harder fight than the first boss or two in Tempest Keep and Serpent Shrine.

Whoever said that was smoking crack. The Hydross fight in and of itself is a huge pain in the rear. If we can't get the coordination down to kill Mags, we aren't going to have the coordination to move a boss back and forth across an invisible line to switch his type of damage, let alone what coordination is needed to jump in and out of water during spouts (The Lurker Below) and continue your DPS/healing while dodging huge lightning bolts during the Loot Reaver. Of the three I've named, the only one that I think we could do without a significant portion of time and frustration is Loot Reaver, because he's kind of a pushover once you get past his trash and have the dodging thing down.