The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: a time for break for V
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So, I've decided that I'm done bringing Vanea to Karazhan after this weekend -- we'll be going to Shasta next weekend, so I'm sitting out tuesday, give another tribemate a chance to join the team for the whole week if possible. Eonah isnt quite ready for it (level and key wise) it might be a few weeks before I'm back on tuesday, fridays and saturdays for the insanity (or instance.. whichever you wanna call it). I will be returning to raid once she's ready, I think that I'm needing a bit of a break from the raiding scene for a bit, and this seems to be a good time to take it.

I remember the time that we, as a team, first full cleared the tower, and the times that we've been able to clear it in two days -- laughing the whole time. It's been a great many months and am looking forward to more, but i think it's time for a bit of a break for me, at least as far as Karazhan goes.

<3 you lot like my best friends, i don't think i could say that enough to you all.
Lurking has worked pretty well for me... maybe it'll work for you too!
Anyway, September is almost up, but I'm not sure I'm ready to return to raiding yet since I haven't gotten nearly as much as I thought I would done (damn boardgames and Bioshock...).


*snickers* As it stands, I'm not sure if SnG will continue as it has, there's been a lot of talk about raid restructure within IST, as well as a lot of us being tired of playing our mains in a place where we my only want one or two items from.

I'll be posting a thing about our alts-revisited here in a bit i think