The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: 10/7/07 Vanguard Openings
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We are taking in the first rotation. Others talk about it, but per our name we are actually going to do it.

Rotation needs the following
1 healer
1 Tank

opportunistic openings may occur for others. Mail Damoxian for further details.
If nobody else applies, I'll bring Ef, as either fury or prot, whatever. I'm surprised these aren't filled yet.
Shantow would most likely be able to fill in, as would Krell (pref. for Ilhoof).
I can attend in either fury or prot spec....currently not saved to an instance...



Eonah (healy priest) is keyed, has gear appropriate for the raid already. Would love to fill in
I withdraw then, looks like you got your people! =D