The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Light Feathers needed.
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I'm going to need a total of 99 Light Feathers when patch 2.3 hits for a particular new item I want crafted. Currently I've got 37ish I think. If anyone has any extra, I would appreate it if you could send em my way. Otherwise you might want to hoard em for yourself, as they're likly to be in demand by hunters.


They drop like candy off any bird like critter. Used to go and pick up a few stack from the harpies in the Barrens in 10 minutes or so, but now they drop from many things in Outlands as well. I generally get a ton from farming Arakkoa feathers. I also play two classes that use them as a reagent, so I don't have extras, but yeah, very easy to get. =)