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Full Version: Big patch I would say.
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I got my patch downloaded. I have to say, a lot of seemingly pointless changes. No real new content.

Racial abilities were nerfed across the board. Sad. Sad

From a hunters perspective, I wish more was done to help us. By glancing at the patch notes, it looks there was basically a class buff across the boards. Supposedly they were going to help solve hunter problems. But, although we did get some extra damage, so did everyone else.

edit: Well, Zul Aman is new content I suppose. And some changes to AV.
We win some and we lose some.. this game will most likely never quite get our perspective classes perfect in each other's eyes, but it'll sure as heck try. :) I'm sorry to hear you're bummed however.

I for one see a lot of good changes thrown in that mix and with hope, interesting enough content to help bring back and draw in again some of those we've lost along the way and those who have been fading. /nudges those she speaks of. Not allowed to leave or be gone! Nope. Nada. No one can do. kthks.

& will someone make my silly patch start to install already? I've downloaded it.. but it seems to be keen on just doing nothing when I try to make it actually install.. *pokes at it*


Speaking of the patch. is Vanguard goign to get back togeather to Smash some face ins Zul'amo? If so did we have a time?
Er... no new content? An entire raid instance, HUGE new quest hub in Dustwallow, better loot in lower level dungeons and decreased leveling time (making experiencing old content a lot nicer), dailies to make dungeon runs more likely.. lots and lots of new content imo.

What hunter problems weren't resolved? They certainly aren't hurting in PvE - fairly reliable CC, great damage (Russet and Lupus are always near the top in Gruul), low repair bill Tongue They're going to be brutal in PvP again - ranged MS, ranged dispel, instant-cast Wyvern Sting, increased damage..
I'ma punch something.

Is anyone else having the issue of the patch NOT wanting to install? It's downloaded and everything, however once I click the finish button the usual, "I'm installing now and here are the patch notes to read for your enjoyment!" 'ish isn't coming up.. and I can't seem to make it to. At all.


edit-- I'ma noob.. if you're running vista, you need to right click the WoW icon and run it as an admin. >.>




Filiminjaru Wrote:Racial abilities were nerfed across the board. Sad. Sad
Huh? News to me. What nerfs are you talking about?
I'm actually really excited about this patch. Probably the most I've been about a patch since I started playing, and not just because of the hunter buffs. New raid zone, huge new quest hub in Dustwallow, awesome leveling improvements, new recipes, etc. It feels like a mini-expansion to me.
It seems like a lot of people are so jaded that no matter what a new patch brings, they'll find fault with it. I'm just happy that Blizzard's continuing to make improvements, even if it leaves some people feeling like they got the shaft.
Eh, maybe I just haven't been playing long enough, but I still have as much fun with WoW as the day I started, and 2.3 makes me even more excited about it.


Psion Wrote:
Filiminjaru Wrote:Racial abilities were nerfed across the board. Sad. Sad
Huh? News to me. What nerfs are you talking about?

The physical damage racial abilities were nerfed. So not really something that affects you. :lol:


I'm torn. There's so much cool new stuff for level 70 with the daily quests and what have you, but then they also speeded up low level leveling!
They werent nerfed as much as changed. They removed the +weapon skill system and therefore needed to replace it with something. The + weapon skill formula in place before hand made it roughly equiv of +1crit% thats what they replaced it with. It would have been a bit bad if they put it all to I understand where they came from


As a Ret paladin, after about 10 hours of play in a PvP environment I am pretty happy. The new vengeance is great its always up now, 6 sec CS is so good I can see why it was originally nerfed. Toss in more crit and seals that are immune to dispell and its fun again to pvp. From a farming aspect, Vindication is fantastic, combined with all of the above I find I am drinking a lot less. Have not testeted the Threat Reduction component yet, but hope to tonight in ZA. All in all, the changes have made ret that much more viable and allow those who have endured alot in playing the spec to have a bit more fun and flex with it.


Gholjan Wrote:They werent nerfed as much as changed. They removed the +weapon skill system and therefore needed to replace it with something. The + weapon skill formula in place before hand made it roughly equiv of +1crit% thats what they replaced it with. It would have been a bit bad if they put it all to I understand where they came from

But you don't mention the hit rating lost with the change. Considering we lost the hit rating, it would have been nice to get maybe 2% crit.
Thank you gods for instant cast for Wyvern Sting again....*kiss kiss hugs hugs*