The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Karazhan Wants You! (But only on Tuesdays)
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Similar to Jabadue, I'm resurrecting my old idea of a Karazhan Learning Raid. Jaba's going to run one on Sundays, but in case there were a significant number of folks that couldn't make that for whatever reason, I figure I'll throw up the option of a Tuesday run as well.

Run would go from 6pm to 11pm, or something similar, depending on participant desires.

This would be a LEARNING raid, so ubergear and experience are not required.

If you're interested, reply here with basic info: key status, class, spec, availability.


If I'm online, and still have a character I haven't committed to another raid yet, I'd love to go. I've got Waka (Resto Delight) and Insel (Feral Crawdad). I can't commit to anything on a Tuesday night, though. So this pretty much amounts to: Feel free to bother me if I'm around.